The Uno Die Show Posted by Rcdspoon on May 14, 2009
Hey gang,

I just finished putting up a new vid on you tube...come check it out!
Uno Die is branching out into his own show...Hey maybe you'll want to send him an email, you can find it at the end of the video!
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

Hope you enjoy...tell your friends (please!!!!!)


Until next time Spoon out



PS: make sure to see Stiqpuppets blog tv show tonight!!!

Re: The Uno Die Show Posted by Shawn on May 14, 2009
Neat!  How many takes did it take to do the vocabulary lesson.   Great job... did you use green screen or is that a "real" background. Now all you need is a theme song.
Re: The Uno Die Show Posted by StiqPuppet Productions on May 14, 2009

Spoon you know from day one I am an Uno Die fan all the way have developed a great character with such humour and have out did yourself and I like the concept of a show with him.  Maybe try to get some real people as well to interact with him especially a woman since he seems so fund of them. LOL

Daryl H
Re: The Uno Die Show Posted by Billy D. Fuller on May 14, 2009
Great job ! I had wondered what happened to this guy. he is off to a good start.

Billy D.
Re: The Uno Die Show Posted by Sandra on May 14, 2009
Ohmypuppet! You now have a new fan! I really loved your show. And the voice, hmmm, maybe I should write him an email to tell him that LOL Great job!!!
Re: The Uno Die Show Posted by Chris Arveson on May 14, 2009
Very funny!!! Loved the vocabulary lesson.
Re: The Uno Die Show Posted by Rcdspoon on May 15, 2009
Hey thanks guys for all your great comments...Daryl, I really want to thank you for taking time in last nights show to talk about my vid!!!!   Also, I want to thank SHould for his praise and email as well (very funny).

I will be making more vids soon!!! for now enjoy...spread the word and I'll see you on the next Uno Die show...


Re: The Uno Die Show Posted by Rcdspoon on May 15, 2009
Posted by: Shawn Sorrell on May 14, 2009
Neat!  How many takes did it take to do the vocabulary lesson.   Great job... did you use green screen or is that a "real" background. Now all you need is a theme song.

Actually, I got it right in the first take!!! Thank God!!! I do not think I would have the ability to do it more than once!!!!
Re: The Uno Die Show Posted by Jon on May 15, 2009
What a great show. You can't stop with only one episode. Very funny. I think UNO's voice is spot on. Can't wait for the next show
Re: The Uno Die Show Posted by puppetlady on May 15, 2009
What is that dragon talking about?  The new Star Trek movie is great! Saw it twice.

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