Awesome Dragon Puppet Posted by Crystal on Aug 12, 2009
I come here because I find a crowd who is dedicated and passionate in the art of puppetry. Maybe someone in this crowd is interested in dragons as well?
Last year I was so excited after purchasing a shoulder dragon puppet at the Texas Renaissance Festival from the puppet makers at Imaginarium Galleries (
But now I am sad to say, due to the economy and the need for extra money, my little puppet friend needs to be sold as soon as possible.

He has the ability to nod his head "yes" or shake his head "no" and to look around. It adds life to this amazing piece of art.
I'm seeking to part with this dragon for $250.
The eBay page.
If you have concerns, comments, questions or are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me at or PM.
I'm new here so if I have done something wrong in posting, please correct me!
Thank you.
Last year I was so excited after purchasing a shoulder dragon puppet at the Texas Renaissance Festival from the puppet makers at Imaginarium Galleries (
But now I am sad to say, due to the economy and the need for extra money, my little puppet friend needs to be sold as soon as possible.

He has the ability to nod his head "yes" or shake his head "no" and to look around. It adds life to this amazing piece of art.
I'm seeking to part with this dragon for $250.
The eBay page.
If you have concerns, comments, questions or are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me at or PM.
I'm new here so if I have done something wrong in posting, please correct me!
Thank you.
Re: Awesome Dragon Puppet Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Aug 12, 2009
Welcome to Puppets and Stuff. It is always a sad moment when for whatever reason someone has to part with a favorite puppet. We had just discussed this type puppet some time last year. I think they are truly amazing. As much as I hate to see you sell it.................. I hope you get what you have invested. Make yourself at home here at P&S. You will enjoy it here.
Billy D.
Billy D.
Re: Awesome Dragon Puppet Posted by miguel on Aug 12, 2009
Nice puppet.
to P&S

Re: Awesome Dragon Puppet Posted by jovack on Aug 12, 2009
welcome to P&S
how are they made?
how are they made?

Re: Awesome Dragon Puppet Posted by Matt on Aug 12, 2009
Awesome work, Welcome to puppets and stuff!!
Re: Awesome Dragon Puppet Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Aug 12, 2009
Posted by: jovack on Aug 12, 2009
welcome to P&S
how are they made?
Wood babies are similar to shoulder pangolin puppets. Here is a thread with someone making one.,3761.0.html
Billy D.
Re: Awesome Dragon Puppet Posted by miguel on Aug 12, 2009
Mr. Fuller. That link don't work (Well at least for me)
Re: Awesome Dragon Puppet Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Aug 12, 2009

Billy d.
Re: Awesome Dragon Puppet Posted by miguel on Aug 13, 2009
Now works! Thanks! 

Re: Awesome Dragon Puppet Posted by JumpNPuddles on Mar 25, 2010
The Imaginarium Galleries puppets are amazing.
I see they are working with Terry Fator on a new puppet! We had the privilege
of going back stage to talk with Terry just after he had put his contract with the
Mirage together. 100 Million for 5 years. He autographed one of our Winston the
turtle puppets and we talked for about 15min.
I will say he is one of the nicest people. He was completely down to earth.
BTW: His live show was amazing and he said he is writing new book is titled
"who's the dummy now"
I see they are working with Terry Fator on a new puppet! We had the privilege
of going back stage to talk with Terry just after he had put his contract with the
Mirage together. 100 Million for 5 years. He autographed one of our Winston the
turtle puppets and we talked for about 15min.
I will say he is one of the nicest people. He was completely down to earth.
BTW: His live show was amazing and he said he is writing new book is titled
"who's the dummy now"
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