If you hate church I don't blame you but please, don't hate God Posted by Bludolphdolph on Oct 16, 2010
As you know I am a preacher. I just felt like someone out there needed to read this. I hope that it is a blessing to you.If you hate church I don't blame you. I have found in my experience as a preacher that sometimes the coldest most wicked people are those in the church. I don't understand it. I have seen people die because churches turn them away. I have seen people at the brink of Salvation continue on in a bitter sinful life because Churches turned their back on them because that person was poor. I have seen corruption tear down many congregations. It used to be that a preacher was someone you could confide in and trust with all your heart. It is nothing now to see on the news where preachers cheat on their wives, get DWI's , beat there kids or kill themselves. So if you hate church I don't blame you . If you hate church please don't hate God. The Bible teaches us to love one another not to judge one another. Nobody is perfect. We all sin. The difference is once we are saved we have forgiveness and the heart of Christ within us. With that heart of Christ we know to do the right thing and do it. So don't look at the Church today as Christ because those who do those evil things are not doing God's will and most likely don't have the Holy Spirit in them. I have been to many churches and preached the word of God as it is. I have been driven out of Churches for the same reason. God loves everyone. Jesus came to save the lost. He didn't come to just save those who live an upright life because without him we can't do that. He came so that everyone even the poorest , meanest, most horrible person among us can get saved through him. Paul in the Bible murdered Christians and did all sorts of horrible things when he was called Saul. Jesus confronted him and saved him. Saul became Paul . Paul preached everywhere he could . Paul wrote most of the New Testament. He was beaten and imprisoned for Christ sake . Paul ultimately gave his life for Christ . Before Paul died he won two more souls to the Lord. Paul called himself the "Chief Sinner". He knew what he was before Jesus saved him. That is why I am telling you I am here to spread the Gospel. I am not here to judge or put anyone down. If you want to know about God I am here for ya. If not , thats ok to. There are good churches out there. If you are a member of one of those good churches , please reach out to the poor and needy and don't spread hatred. If you are a Christian, remember that it was the Grace of God that saved you. If it weren't for God's grace you would be a sinner out in the world. No Christian should look down on anyone and judge them because it is by the Grace of God that we can be Christians. Well , thats my two cents for the day. God bless every one.
Rev. Adrian Lilly aka Bludolphdolph
Re: If you hate church I don't blame you but please, don't hate God Posted by Shawn on Oct 16, 2010
There may be some that find Adrian's post a bit uncomfortable and feel it does not have it's place here at Puppets And Stuff since it is off topic.  I actually debated if I should remove the post from public view.  I didn't because I strongly believe in free speech and try not to censure members post. Also this is posted in the Chit Chat forum which is for "off topic" threads.

I would like to ask that everyone respect each others views and opinions.  I know we have many members from different walks of life that follow different religions or no religions at all.  Please feel free to state your opinions but try not to make it personal. Try to read each others post and see the true intent behind them.

Personally I have no need in my life for church or an organized religion but believe strongly in many of the truths that are the root of the majority of them.  Actually if you read my signature is says a lot about how I feel.  We all have quite a bit in common if we are just willing to look for it.  I choose to focus on our commonalities instead of our differences.

I have gotten quite a bit of flack from people in the past because they where uncomfortable with what they felt was too much religion. If this thread begins to divide our community I well remove it.
Re: If you hate church I don't blame you but please, don't hate God Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Oct 16, 2010
All I want to say is that we live in a very troubled World these days and everyone is looking for peace in all directions. It is has been my goal to make Puppets and Stuff a safe haven for puppet builders from all walks of life. Christian and Non=Christian puppeteers have come together in this forum for years and formed a very good relationship and I would hope that it continues that way. I respect all religious views from all denominations and have over the years helped many in churches in puppet ministry. While I don't attend any organized  religion I do consider myself spiritual. I've always said my goal is to help others...................... and that is what I do.
I respect Rev.Lilly's views and do not find it offensive however I'm not sure others with except it as openly as I do. I respect the freedom of speech and hope others will keep there post very friendly and civil. Now I'm getting back to Puppetry which is what I'm here for.

Billy D.
Re: If you hate church I don't blame you but please, don't hate God Posted by Monkey on Oct 16, 2010
Bludolphdolph, I also have seen more horrible things than anything you have mentioned, and things you probably can't imagine, done by church people. But I have also seen people give their lives for others. So don't hate the church, don't hate God-just don't hate at all. because hate of any kind does not come from God. Welcome to this site, where we come together with a common interest. Are those your own puppets pictured in your Avatar? I really like the looks of them- Steve
Re: If you hate church I don't blame you but please, don't hate God Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Oct 16, 2010
Very well said Steve................ Don't Hate at ALL................Puppets don't hate.
Re: If you hate church I don't blame you but please, don't hate God Posted by Bludolphdolph on Oct 17, 2010
Thanks guys. I debated posting the thread myself. I just wanted it to be known that every Christian or Church isn't the same and that hate isn't the way to go. I wish that everyone could see that we can all get along. That is what is so awesome about puppetry! Puppets go beyond religious and ethnic boundries. Puppetry is sort of a universal language. I have just noticed alot of hate and the problem is that the hate I have noticed comes from the very people who claim to understand love. Churches have hurt alot of people today and in general tend to be judgmental and closed minded. I try to keep an open mind. OH I just love people and want  them to know it . Yep I love you guys thanks for the replies and especially for the compliment on my puppets. God bless ya.
Re: If you hate church I don't blame you but please, don't hate God Posted by LJ on Oct 17, 2010
With all the hurt we see in the world I have often thought that everything would be solved if we all just simply followed the Golden Rule - "Do for others what you would want others to do for you!" Very simple - but yet so hard!! I think that God sort of brought puppets into my life and I am very thankful - but I agree that often church and organized religion show more hate than love.(some of my most difficult clients have been churches)  That is why I LOVE puppetry - my little foam and fur friends always love being with me!! I love Puppets and Stuff too because we all agree that PUPPETS ARE THE BEST!! and we try to help each other even if we don't agree on other things,  I feel we live the golden rule here on Puppets and Stuff and that is great! It is a place of inspiration and a celebration of the art form of puppetry! I like seeing how puppetry is used in all walks of life!! We are here for each other and here to celebrate puppetry. Besides the Bible says, "...use your hands for honest work and then give generously to others." (Ephesians 4:28) Obviously a reference to puppetry don't you think!!
Re: If you hate church I don't blame you but please, don't hate God Posted by Bludolphdolph on Oct 17, 2010
awesome response and very well said.
Re: If you hate church I don't blame you but please, don't hate God Posted by Rcdspoon on Oct 17, 2010
I do not have a problem with anybody posting their opinion. Personally I feel if someone posts something I do not like... then I do not read it and move on to the next post.  It should not be the behavior of anyone to say what is right or wrong.  God is a term that everyone has a relationship with; Wether it be religious or nonreligious. However, with that being said, what bothers me is those who feel they have the right to judge you, me and anybody else.  I encourage all those who have opinions they wish to share but remember we do not agree on all things so do not JUDGE others for their opinions. 


Re: If you hate church I don't blame you but please, don't hate God Posted by Bludolphdolph on Oct 17, 2010
thats right we shouldn't judge or hate. That is why so many people get hurt in Church. Even the Bible says we shouldn't judge others. I am just glad we have a place here where everyone can get along even if we don't agree on everything. I think we can all agree on one thing. Puppets Rock!!

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