What a great place Puppets and Stuff is! Posted by LJ on Nov 17, 2010
I just want to say "THANK YOU!" to everyone here!  To the contributors and the moderators for making this forum such an uplifting place to be!  I have a number of forums that I check daily and this is my favorite for many reasons. Yes, we share great ideas, we meet people from all over the world, we get to see pictures and videos of fantastic projects from our fabulously talented members but more importantly than that is the fact that everyone remembers one little word - Kindness! There may be constructive criticism occasionally but it is still blanketed in kindness.  One other forum that I check can get downright NASTY! For that very reason I very rarely post anything - just glean what I can in order to become a better performer, but I would never feel like those people are friends!  Puppets and Stuff is different!  Yes, we may have different belief systems, different mediums of creativity, different languages and so many other differences but one thing is the same - we love sharing about puppetry and how it has benefited our lives!  And in sharing that we become better people, better artists, better performers and then we bring those benefits to those we share our craft with.  So again THANK YOU for being such an AWESOME group of people!!  Puppet hugs to ALL OF YOU!!!!
Re: What a great place Puppets and Stuff is! Posted by titere on Nov 18, 2010
Re: What a great place Puppets and Stuff is! Posted by Shawn on Nov 18, 2010
I too am very proud of our little community here.  Each and everyone of you make it a great place to be a part of! 
Re: What a great place Puppets and Stuff is! Posted by nall29 on Nov 18, 2010
i love puppets and stuff, my fav web site!
Re: What a great place Puppets and Stuff is! Posted by Henry on Nov 19, 2010
It's the site that always brings a smile to my dial. 
Re: What a great place Puppets and Stuff is! Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Nov 19, 2010
I know I posted to this thread yesterday  wonder where it went................................ anyways I agree with everyone. P&S is the first place I visit when I wake up every morning and the last thing I do before I retire at night. Thank You! P&S members.

Re: What a great place Puppets and Stuff is! Posted by StiqPuppet Productions on Dec 04, 2010


Daryl H

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