Re: When did you start making puppets and why? Posted by nall29 on Jan 01, 2011
i started with puppets when my uncle played muchnick at our college in little shop of horrors. i loved the play and the puppet so much that for my birthday my uncle brought me the patten and supplies to make my own small Audrey 2 ( he also worked on the puppets for the production). than later on i was selling puppets at this craft fair called "day in the park" these puppets i made without a pattern and i was approached by the leader of a local puppet minestry and well the rest they say is history.
Re: When did you start making puppets and why? Posted by MsPuppet on Jan 02, 2011
I started young. My parents went to a conference and attended a class on using puppets in church. They were hooked.  My Mom and Grandmother (who were expert seamstresses) made some puppets and that was the beginning. We have been involved in puppetry in one form or another since.
When we moved to our present church I started a puppet team. This lead to the team being asked to perform in many places, including a worldwide conference.  I then started teaching puppet making classes, training teams, and teaching puppetry (among other subjects) in a Bible College.

I was asked to create puppets to correlate with a new Children's church curriculum that was being launched.  One thing led to another and we started making and selling puppets.  I edited for the curriculum company for a number of years and often created puppets for the curriculum (I am still creating puppets for them).

I only wish I had more time to spend creating. Lots of ideas, never enough time to get everything done!
Re: When did you start making puppets and why? Posted by Monkey on Jan 03, 2011
I started in my 20's when I was teaching Sunday School. The reason was simple enough- I was too poor to even buy puppets from Toys-R -Us. but thi turned out to be a good thing, as I fell in love with making puppets.-Steve

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