I think I'm depressed. Posted by AWS Puppets on Apr 07, 2011
For the past month I have not been able to get myself motivated enough to start a new puppet. Anyone ever find themselves in this situation and if so do you have any suggestions?
Re: I think I'm depressed. Posted by Na on Apr 07, 2011
Constantly. I'm a lifelong clinically depressed person.

However, when referring specifically to puppets... the answer is also yes. I find that I become unmotivated to work on a puppet when I'm not interested in the character design or type of puppet. Sometimes, if the building process is too fiddly or frustrating or takes too long, I will become less and less motivated. In all of these cases, I either do a little at a time; or I simply decide to chuck the whole project altogether and work on something else.

As for the rest... well, when you work it out, please tell me

EDIT: I just wanted to add something. I have been 'working' on an ebook to sell since mid last year. I promised to have it on sale by early this year, and still have heaps of work to do on it before my next - and likely postponed - deadline in two weeks. I've only been able to snatch 1/2 hours of time when I can work on it, which frustrates me because I can never really get much done in that time. It drags on for-ev-er and the more it gets put off, the less I want to do it. ... My point is that a good thing to do is also to make sure you schedule decent amounts of time to work on something where you feel free to work at your own pace without interruption. Take the phone off the hook if you have to!
Re: I think I'm depressed. Posted by Rikka on Apr 08, 2011
Depression? Yep, I know about that. There are several levels and everybody has to cope with this hardship their own way, but I will try to share my exprience, I hope I can help anybody.
First: if you are sad most of the time, find it hard to motivate yourself and eighter sleep to much (but not well) or not enough (often you can't sleep all through the night), if you don't have any appetite or want to eat sweets all the time and if you loose sexual interest: You probably got it.
If it is not too hard on you and if it does not take too long: be nice to yourself. Don't "think your head hot", have your chocolate (plain is best, since it contains more cocoa with helps with the serotonine, one of the mayor misses during a depression). Bananas are supposed to help, too. Often you get it because you worked too hard and expected too much of yourself. Be easy and gentle on yourself. Before sleeping, try a mug of warm milk with honey (not if you're allergic, of course). The protein in the milk is great for your brainchemistry and is better absorbed because of the sugar in the honey. If a few days of fresh air and "holidays" (you don't have to go away, just get away from nagging yourself) won't make it any better, try hypericum. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypericum. Also: never drink alcohol while feeling depressed. Alcohol is a mild depressivum. (People argue that you feel better, but that is not so true: you only seem to feel more, since emotional restrictions are lifted. Part of the bad feeling of a hangover is the fact that you got a mild one day depression)

If it is severe, takes a long time (several weeks) or if you (during a phase of depressive feelings) EVER imagine suicide as an option: Go see a doctor right away. (And if you get a tricyclic antidepressivum: DON'T TAKE HYPERICUM ANY MORE! Those two things don't mix!)Somehow people often think of a depression as a failure. This is only true as a broken leg is a failure of your bones. Depressions happen just like broken bones. It doesn't feel great. You won't get as much done. But it is no sign of you being a sissy or whatever.
In 2009 the keeper of the German national soccer team comitted suicide because of his depression, starting a new discussion over here. Even internationally successful people can be depressive. Do what is good for you and never listen to voices (from the in- or outside world) that you could do much better and only have to pull yourself together. It will get better, but not with pressure.
I am no doctor and I do not propose to be one. All I am is a person who has spent much too much time in hospitals because of depressions and the like. These are my methods to fight a very severe illness and I hope to help anybody. But of course nothing is a good as seeing a doc when you're sick. Get well soon and keep your head up. You are not alone.
Re: I think I'm depressed. Posted by LJ on Apr 08, 2011
An interesting fact to share - creative people are more likely to suffer from depression than non-creative people! So take heart you are not alone! Probably many of us here can relate! We all have our own ways of coping.(dark chocolate is always good!! ) You mentioned not motivated to start another puppet - perhaps you could re-read a favorite book or folk tale and create a puppet character from the story. I often find that stories are my inspiration. I'll say a prayer for you!
Re: I think I'm depressed. Posted by Shawn on Apr 08, 2011
You need a project or goal! Have you ever noticed that if you have a class paper due the next morning that you can get tons of work done on it the night before? That deadline seems to doe wonders.

I think that LJ is right that creative folks tend to struggle with this. Ever heard the term "muse"?  The artist needs something to inspire them to create. In most stories the muse is a beautiful women but I feel that it can be just about anything. See if you can find your muse.
Re: I think I'm depressed. Posted by Na on Apr 08, 2011
Posted by: Rikka on Apr 08, 2011
If it is not too hard on you and if it does not take too long: be nice to yourself. Don't "think your head hot", have your chocolate (plain is best, since it contains more cocoa with helps with the serotonine, one of the mayor misses during a depression). Bananas are supposed to help, too. Often you get it because you worked too hard and expected too much of yourself. Be easy and gentle on yourself. Before sleeping, try a mug of warm milk with honey (not if you're allergic, of course). The protein in the milk is great for your brainchemistry and is better absorbed because of the sugar in the honey. If a few days of fresh air and "holidays" (you don't have to go away, just get away from nagging yourself) won't make it any better, try hypericum. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypericum. Also: never drink alcohol while feeling depressed. Alcohol is a mild depressivum. (People argue that you feel better, but that is not so true: you only seem to feel more, since emotional restrictions are lifted. Part of the bad feeling of a hangover is the fact that you got a mild one day depression)

No offense Rikka, but I think this advice - while well-meant - is not the best thing to do here. Medical treatments, even 'natural' ones, should be best left suggested by professional doctors. I'm assuming none of us here are
I also say this because most of them are based on anecdote, but I've never heard of a doctor prescribing or mentioning any of them. I say it also with experience: warm milk does nothing for my life-time's worth of insomnia. Nor has much of anything else done anything for my depression. I'm glad those things work for you, but the best thing to do is to listen to a doctor - so let's leave the medical advice to those with training please. (That also goes with your comments about anti-depressants)

Sorry if that sounds harsh especially on this forum, but I get quite sensitive about other people suggesting medical treatments on the internet. There is a lot of misinformation out there and I find it's best not to make any personal recommendations for anything since I am not trained in medicine and do not know the person's medical history. Indeed, not only does trying items because of anecdotes reduce the likelihood that a person will seek medical help, some 'natural' treatments are actually harmful in their own right. The best information and advice will come from those who have training.

However, I do strongly agree with seeing a doctor, or at least talking to a friend (or stranger!) if things are very bad.
Re: I think I'm depressed. Posted by Na on Apr 08, 2011
Having said all of that... I write not an inch away from my own block of dark chocolate.

But then, I am addicted to chocolate. Sugary items I can take or leave, but if you try and take my chocolate away from me... there'll be war!!
Re: I think I'm depressed. Posted by Puppetainer on Apr 08, 2011
Hi Aaron! Well, depression runs in my family and I was lucky enough to get it! I think that there's been a lot of good ideas tossed around already but I'll see what I can add. I agree with Shawn that a project or goal are important and as our Puppets In Melbourne friend has suggested if you do have a project and it's not working put it aside and find something that you will enjoy. And I also keep some Ghiradelli's Espresso Escape within arms reach at all times.

For me I'll try to watch or read something that inspires me. I have a rather large DVD collection and will turn to movies that really warm my spirit and fire my inspiration. But I've also read books that inspire me or sometimes listen to great music.

I hope that you find some help from all your friends here at the forum! I wish you the best!
Re: I think I'm depressed. Posted by Shawn on Apr 08, 2011
Hey I had a thought! I know that in itself is inspirational. What ideas have been mulling around in the back of you head of what you would like to make? Maybe you could post one and everyone could give you input on it. Perhaps that would get you motivated to start the project.

I know that others have said that posting about a project on the forum keeps them motivated on it. They feel that "pressure" to do something on it so they can update folks on it.
Re: I think I'm depressed. Posted by Na on Apr 08, 2011
Posted by: Shawn Sorrell on Apr 08, 2011
Hey I had a thought! I know that in itself is inspirational. What ideas have been mulling around in the back of you head of what you would like to make? Maybe you could post one and everyone could give you input on it. Perhaps that would get you motivated to start the project.

I know that others have said that posting about a project on the forum keeps them motivated on it. They feel that "pressure" to do something on it so they can update folks on it.

I find deadlines to be both good and bad. These past few weeks for example, I've been trying to juggle part time work, an online course, writing an ebook, catching up on emails, cleaning out my room... and the list goes on and on. Deadlines can be stressful too. When I think of all the things that I've had ideas for and how much work there is to be done, I get quite stressed out and often procrastinate on everything and end up with more work and less time to do it in.

For me, half hour of peace and quiet and even putting off work when I shouldn't be - that relaxes me. Or I go and work on a puppet and come back to work on my computer when the internet constantly kicks out. (Or even vice versa!)

I say this because I think you've got to do what feels right for you, and not worry about what other people do when they're struggling. You may find something someone suggested works; or that it doesn't. Do what's right for you

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