Re: contract kids church Puppet team Posted by Rikka on Apr 20, 2011
That's what being young is for, uhm? The whole world is open for you... We have a saying here when somebody put too much on their plate: the eyes were bigger than the mouth... ;-)
Re: contract kids church Puppet team Posted by Angel in Tx on Apr 21, 2011
Posted by: LJ on Apr 20, 2011
Isn't that the truth! And don't forget to add Speech contest! Speech is partly what makes them such good puppeteers but it also gets in the way of practice!!!
What to do!! Yes, we get them when they are young and they all seem to love it but they want to be able to do it all as they get older!

Yes, AND drama!  A couple of mine are in theater and that just kills their time with us.  My daughter was in college theater this year.  No. Time. Whatsoever.
Re: contract kids church Puppet team Posted by LJ on Apr 21, 2011
My daughter was in college theater this year.  No. Time. Whatsoever.
So right! My son started out helping but as a Senior in college in the theatre department he had to stop. I guess I consider college responsibilities a bit different than high school however. Anyway - we do the best we can!!
Re: contract kids church Puppet team Posted by Russell2005 on Apr 21, 2011
I've found over the 6-8 years of doing puppet ministry that it really doesnt matter what you do, people are either committed or they're not. I have had a few individuals over the years that were totally committed. But, they eventually left for college. Trying to keep a team together can be quite frustrating. I'd suggest recruiting for special projects over short term   That's easier than getting an ongoing committment. In the end, the only one that you can really count on is God.  Just remember that it's rare to find someone that will truly be committed, and no one will EVER be as committed as you are.
Re: contract kids church Puppet team Posted by RYMANOFSTEEL on Apr 21, 2011
Posted by: Russell2005 on Apr 21, 2011
I've found over the 6-8 years of doing puppet ministry that it really doesnt matter what you do, people are either committed or they're not. I have had a few individuals over the years that were totally committed. But, they eventually left for college. Trying to keep a team together can be quite frustrating. I'd suggest recruiting for special projects over short term   That's easier than getting an ongoing committment. In the end, the only one that you can really count on is God.  Just remember that it's rare to find someone that will truly be committed, and no one will EVER be as committed as you are.

Best answer ever! I agree 100%
Re: contract kids church Puppet team Posted by LJ on Apr 21, 2011
I'd suggest recruiting for special projects over short term
That is actually what we were thinking about. But then I have some of the kids who say "No, we want to do it all the time!" May be time to say, "If you want to do it all the time I need a solid commitment."
Any of you have a number of absences that are allowed or do you take things one situation at a time?
Re: contract kids church Puppet team Posted by RYMANOFSTEEL on Apr 21, 2011
we have a small team of committed members so it doesnt come up a lot. We were supposed to have rehearsal tonight for this weekend with the egg puppets but the other egg puppeteer couldn't make it since his mom is in the hopsital so we are going to pracice early on saturday.

With texting, facebook and phonecalls I have NEVER had somebody just not show up.
Re: contract kids church Puppet team Posted by MsPuppet on Apr 21, 2011
We are so blessed.  The original group I started with here (about 15 years ago) numbered 7 (not counting me). We've added (and lost several others through the years), but of those seven, one has passed away, and 5 are still going strong. 
I think it has a lot to do with finding something you enjoy and building on that.
Re: contract kids church Puppet team Posted by liplady on May 04, 2011
thank you for all of your answers this has been a lot of help. At the moment I am having a hard time getting it going. the older kids seem to not want to help and the younger dont want to practice but want to help in class. so i guess i just keep trying new  kids and let them see if they like it.
as for the contract I can't get that level with the kids so I guess I will wait lol
Re: contract kids church Puppet team Posted by Angel in Tx on May 04, 2011
Not sure how they are helping in class.  But at my church to help out in children's church you have to be on the team.  We train, practice etc.  I didn't just want kids coming up wanting to help every week just to get out of service.  Maybe you could try just starting with having a sign up to help, schedule the days they will help and have a training session once a month to go over the lesson with these kids.  You could progress to adding puppet skits and songs over time.  It's a natural progression I think.  We call our team the "PIT Crew" they work behind the scenes to help kids "run the race".  PIT stands for Persevering in Truth. 

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