Ford Focus commercials Posted by Angel in Tx on Apr 27, 2011
Has anyone seen these commercials?  I just came across them today.  The puppet is so simple you can see stitching around the mouth etc it seems to me they did it on purpose.  But the puppet has a lot of personality and that's what really counts don't you think?

Here's one that's funny
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Re: Ford Focus commercials Posted by Puppetainer on Apr 27, 2011
Yeah, I agree the puppet is quite simple and rough in both design and execution but the writing and performing really make it work. I think they're quite funny!
Re: Ford Focus commercials Posted by LJ on Apr 27, 2011
Shows how the character development and dialog are what really matter - if you have a wonderful puppet without those things it is NOT effective at all even though the puppet may be cool! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to watch all of them!
Re: Ford Focus commercials Posted by Puppetainer on Apr 27, 2011
And John Ross Bowie as the Doug's handler/wingman is very good too! I've very much enjoyed him in his many roles particularly as Barry Kripke on Big Bang Theory.
Re: Ford Focus commercials Posted by VampireWombat on Apr 28, 2011
Oh, I had completely forgotten about these commercials. I first became aware of them from a post by Gordon Smuder of Transylvania Television.

I have mixed feelings on the puppet. Perhaps I need to see more commercials to like him more.
Re: Ford Focus commercials Posted by Rikka on Apr 29, 2011
I don't seem to be able to follow this right now.. aw well, maybe later...

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