Best puppet show ever! Posted by Chris Arveson on Jul 11, 2011
Just gave my best puppet show ever! It was only for a couple minutes, with a couple of store-bought puppets, and this plastic play house for a stage, but my little 11-month old grandson shrieked with joy, bounced on his little seat and came crawling up to get the puppets. Love that kid. Love using puppets to make him happy!  
Re: Best puppet show ever! Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Jul 11, 2011

That's what it is all about!
Re: Best puppet show ever! Posted by Angel in Tx on Jul 11, 2011
I agree!  Excitement in the audience makes it worth while.  I remember one of our first shows, the audience LOVED it and then later we did part of the same show for a competition, the judges didn't enjoy it as much as the audience -- I can take the critique, but really the audience is what it's all about.  Sounds like you have the perfect audience! 
Re: Best puppet show ever! Posted by Rikka on Jul 11, 2011
I almost envy your grandson!
Re: Best puppet show ever! Posted by LJ on Jul 16, 2011
You are obviously a FUN grandpa! That what it is all about! When I have grandchildren I want them to say "May I go see Grandma Puppet!" Seeing the smiles make everything worthwhile!! Good job and thanks for sharing!

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