Re: Caboose traveling on Posted by MsPuppet on Aug 24, 2011
I am going to try to upload a picture to my album (not sure how to include it in the post).  I buy them from One Way Street, but we have made a bunch of them too, using heavy wire (coat hanger type), or whatever is available.
Re: Caboose traveling on Posted by MsPuppet on Aug 24, 2011
Re: Caboose traveling on Posted by Shawn on Aug 24, 2011
I thought that may be what it was. Upload worked but the final image is a bit small.
Re: Caboose traveling on Posted by Gail on Dec 19, 2011
My how time changes things. We will soon be under new managment....again, so jungle theme is on hold until we get new marching orders. Instead of once a month current instructions are that we are needed 3 times a week. Meanwhile lost 9 members of puppet team from low moral so I am working the remaining folks to death, but they are troopers. We need to find some new puppeteers so have an idea to hold a free puppet building and or puppet technique class and see if we can get some new blood.  Anybody have some good ideas of how to recruit volunteer puppeteers?   What has worked for you in the past?

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