Re: New Video Posted by Na on Mar 20, 2012
Ah, that's much bigger than I expected. It looks so small on video!

The furniture looks good, it is far better than anything I would have made.
Re: New Video Posted by Rikka on Mar 21, 2012
  Wow, Na...  This is a comliment so immens that I have to digest it. You're doing absolutly excellent stuff! I admire your ability to "work to the point", know what I mean? And there is my furniture- even collapsing at the wrong time (thank God that you can cut in a video)!
Re: New Video Posted by Lizzies Lair on Mar 21, 2012
Rikka! You are way too humble my friend! Never in a million years would I have the patience and the whole concept/process thing to envision the scene, build the puppets, construct the set and script, film and produce something of that quality!
Re: New Video Posted by Rikka on Mar 21, 2012
Lizzie, dear, you humble me. Well, filming was done by my very beloved husband and he helped greatly with the post production. I couldn't get done anything without him. He was the one who really got me into building stuff again. I didn't do anything for 20 years. And the script was pretty much based on the 7. chapter from "die fromme Helene" by Wilhelm Busch ( sorry, it is German but the picutres are hilarious) I am just a "building stuff freak".
Re: New Video Posted by Na on Mar 21, 2012
Posted by: Rikka on Mar 21, 2012
Wow, Na...  This is a comliment so immens that I have to digest it. You're doing absolutly excellent stuff! I admire your ability to "work to the point", know what I mean? And there is my furniture- even collapsing at the wrong time (thank God that you can cut in a video)!

Well thank you

I've had to make miniature stuff before for set design classes, so I know how challenging it is. I don't particularly have a knack for it. I know you put a lot of hard work into all of it.
Re: New Video Posted by Rikka on Mar 21, 2012
and a lot of card board...

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