Question about gallery comments Posted by Angel in Tx on Apr 17, 2012
If you comment on a gallery picture is the person who owns the gallery notified?  Or should we start a thread with the picture hoping the person who owns the gallery will see it?  I see the random pictures that pop up on the home page and sometimes I have a question about it, I left a comment but then thought about whether or not they would receive the question from the gallery. 

Or I just thought instead of starting a thread I guess I could PM them.
Re: Question about gallery comments Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Apr 17, 2012
Shawn may have to verify this but I think you have to go to your gallery then click on permissions and change your settings to allow all users to comment,and view comments. I get a email alert when anyone comments on a photo.
Re: Question about gallery comments Posted by Puppetainer on Apr 17, 2012
The only problem with that is I think very few people are aware of this setting and so most comments will probably be missed. In fact I didn't know about it till now. I'll be sure to change it immediately after creating this post. When I seen an image that I have questions or comments about I'll usually try to message the person directly.
Re: Question about gallery comments Posted by Puppetainer on Apr 17, 2012
Hmmm...I checked out the permissions on my gallery and I do allow everyone to comment and view but I don't see anything about notifications. Also checked under my profile settings and didn't see anything there either. And I've yet to receive a notification when someone comments on a photo in my gallery. Not sure where I've gone wrong...
Re: Question about gallery comments Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Apr 17, 2012
We will have to have Shawn chime in on this one.
Re: Question about gallery comments Posted by Shawn on Apr 17, 2012
Yep this one is a bit elusive.   The way you can start "watching" for comments in your album or on the entire Gallery is hidden in the upper left block under the random image when you are actually in the Gallery. If you want to get emails for every comment added to the whole gallery then click on the "Watch" link at the bottom right after "View Latest Comments". You'll see two tick boxes on the next page. One for "Subscribe" and one for "Apply to sub items".  If you choose both then it will send you an email for all comments in the Gallery. Now if you just want to get notified when a comment is added to your User Album then navigate to it and do the same thing. I know a bit squirrely but it kind of works.

I watch the entire Gallery and try to check each comment and answer them since I know that not everyone follows the comments.  It probably is best to simply PM the user if you do have a direct questions. Even that is a bit hard since you have to move back to the Forum and hunt down their profile based on the name of the album.

Both Gallery and SMF have new program systems now and they are both a lot better and easier to navigate. The bad thing is that there is no way to connect the two yet.  I've actually been looking at the issue the past couple days. All part of trying to get everything updated but it is going to take time.

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