Tidings of Great Cheer Posted by Gail on Dec 19, 2012
I got the best Christmas present early, I'm going to be a Grandma about next August, Hurray!
Re: Tidings of Great Cheer Posted by Shawn on Dec 20, 2012
Whoo Hoo! Congratulations! Is this your first grandchild?
Re: Tidings of Great Cheer Posted by BoozeBandPuppets on Dec 20, 2012
That's great news! Congratulations!! August born babies are cool, I'm one after all haha. Lovely news, all the best to you and your family
Re: Tidings of Great Cheer Posted by Na on Dec 20, 2012
Posted by: Snail on Dec 19, 2012
I got the best Christmas present early, I'm going to be a Grandma about next August, Hurray!

Congrats! Best wishes for you and your family!
Re: Tidings of Great Cheer Posted by Out of the Box Puppets on Dec 20, 2012
So exciting. I am a ways off from the Grandbaby stage, but boy I am I looking forward to it, so I can imagine how excited you are. Congratulations and Merry Christmas.
Re: Tidings of Great Cheer Posted by Gail on Dec 20, 2012
Yes my first grandbaby and my parent's first great grandchild. I got the first picture from sonogram yesterday. I can hardly wait.  My son met his wife doing one of my puppet shows together and I said to him "that girl is the kind of girl you need to look for" she was so sweet and he was being a grouch.  He looked no farther and he hasn't been grouchy since.
Re: Tidings of Great Cheer Posted by LJ on Dec 21, 2012
Re: Tidings of Great Cheer Posted by pagestep007 on Dec 21, 2012
coool. What a great story of how your  son met his wife. We are at that stage now.. our first wedding comming up in March, but no grandchildren yet. Congratulations.
Re: Tidings of Great Cheer Posted by The Director on Dec 21, 2012
God Bless the next generation.
Re: Tidings of Great Cheer Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Dec 21, 2012

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