Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by pagestep007 on Apr 18, 2018
C16thFoxe , Hope life is well for you both, on the east side.
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by pagestep007 on Apr 18, 2018
Still traveling...after stopping off to visit Yorick, Frogo moves northward to the Pancake Rocks and  on towards Nelson.
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by Gail on Apr 20, 2018
Beautiful music and sights, thanks for sharing.
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by pagestep007 on Apr 20, 2018
Thanks Snail. The piano was an improvisation by my youngest son. He is getting pretty good I think. I did the engineering on it, and think I am getting better at that also. The 'sights' are not hard to capture in New Zealand. They are everywhere there. Every half hour on the road and you are into a totally new and amazing setting.. The same pianist son says New Zealand does not exist...only in the movies. This place was only 3 hours from  where I grew up.
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by Gail on Apr 21, 2018
Magical place. No wonder you have such a healthy imagination. Son's music caught the spirit. I can't afford to get to New Zealand but now I feel like I had a little trip.

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