Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by C16thFoxe on Aug 22, 2013
Ah! The Cape. It's an eerie place in the right conditions; you'd swear the ghosts of departed Maori really were returning home to Hawaiki. The most fascinating thing about the Cape is the tidal race where the Tasman and Pacific oceans meet. O! And have fun on 90 Mile Beach (it's really only 76+ miles long, but what the hey )

The theater ... is going ... slowly (mostly as a result of living on the Coast; cannot get half of the things I need without a 250km trip to Christchurch, and back). Will post about that in another sub-forum when I get the camera back from She Who Must Be Obeyed. Decided against the arch; it just didn't look right (at least in template form). If the booth had been wider (say 4 feet instead of 3) it may have worked. 
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by Shawn on Aug 23, 2013
Posted by: C16thFoxe on Aug 22, 2013
If the booth had been wider (say 4 feet instead of 3) it may have worked. 
Why not make it wider with the arch?   if the arch is 4 feet wide then you can plop it on top and then say hand a half foot wide piece of fabric on each side.... you now have a 4 foot wide booth! Ok not on the inside but you know what I mean.
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by pagestep007 on Aug 24, 2013
Message Image  So Frogo got to Cape Rienga!  We arrived just at sunset, and yes C16thFoxe, it was something special.We had to sacrifice going to the dunes and 90 mile beach to get there before the sun set, and then back down in the dark...60km to the nearest  fish and chip shop. A wonderful day it was.Message Image
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by Shawn on Aug 25, 2013
And another great panoramic background to add to the collection! Very nice.  Not to hijack your thread but for those who may not realize it, pagestep has been creating a collection of panoramic backgrounds in NZ that you can use in your chroma key projects. You should keep an eye on the gallery section he set up for them.
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by Gail on Aug 28, 2013
So beautiful, thanks for sharing, I did not get to take vacation with my puppets.
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by pagestep007 on Oct 09, 2013
well.. in a few days we will be flying out to head back to Colombia South America. After all the travelling in the North Island of New Zealand, changing houses a few times, we joined in a couple sessions at a kids after school holiday program...and so we send salutations to all of you here on this forum.
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by Gail on Oct 10, 2013
That looked like fun.  Hope your flight home is smooth and calm.
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by pagestep007 on Oct 11, 2013
Thank you snail. May I add...hope it is 'uneventful'.
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by Shawn on Oct 11, 2013
Thanks for the shout out! It does indeed look as if the kids where having a blast!
Re: In Search of the Donut Posted by The Director on Oct 11, 2013
Thanks, that was fun

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