What I've Made Up Till The Last One Posted by systemcat on Apr 09, 2013
Made in '95:
This was modeled after my cat at the time. I can't remember what inspired me to make this first puppet, but for some reason I mentally connect it to my final year of being a Girl Scout.

Made in '08:
My first shot at making K-9 from Doctor Who. It worked in testing for moving around but when it came action time at Starfest '09, it failed. However the ears did continue to work on prompt. Sadly the K-9 examples are the only show of animatronic work I can present. In '09 I became homeless at lost most of my belongings and so lost earlier examples of my work. The reason the K-9s are documented is because of a fan forum that was getting updates.

Made in '09:
Made from odds and ends and a lucky note of money I got to spend guilt free. This is the first I ever made with a hand rod.

Made between '09 and '10:
The second K-9, this was made as a replacement to the fist. The design was drastically changed internally for movement but this version failed in testing to move. The ears moved again but not by remote control like before.

Made in '11:
Both of these were made very close to each other and for the same event. The explanation was given in my introduction to this site. One is no longer around to photograph but it was used for a comic I'll show here. The only other online show of it is in a YouTube video which is my first experience puppetearing.

Made in '12:
Both of these were made for the same short video. Only multi-colored furry one has been used in videos after what it was made for since the bird type has been hard to find a purpose for again. Both I consider design accomplishments even if simple. (Remember I haven't been building these long).

Made a few months later:
Done by me assuming I know what I was doing at this point. It became over sized by mistake and I have yet to give a performance with it. The arm rods had not been added yet when this photo was taken.

Made a few months later:
Odd in design but I consider it a success. Not used in a performance yet because I don't have the preforming confidence yet to have it look like it's singing. Plus I failed a green screen test with it. (Still need to figure out how to hind myself well when using it against a green screen).

Made shortly after visiting the Texas Renaissance Festival.
What can I say I'm cheap, I didn't want to pay 75 dollars.

Made at the tail end of '12:
Minus the arm rods which were added after the photo was taken. This is the one you see in my avatar. No real design flaws have been discovered in it.

This was modeled after my cat at the time. I can't remember what inspired me to make this first puppet, but for some reason I mentally connect it to my final year of being a Girl Scout.

Made in '08:
My first shot at making K-9 from Doctor Who. It worked in testing for moving around but when it came action time at Starfest '09, it failed. However the ears did continue to work on prompt. Sadly the K-9 examples are the only show of animatronic work I can present. In '09 I became homeless at lost most of my belongings and so lost earlier examples of my work. The reason the K-9s are documented is because of a fan forum that was getting updates.

Made in '09:
Made from odds and ends and a lucky note of money I got to spend guilt free. This is the first I ever made with a hand rod.

Made between '09 and '10:
The second K-9, this was made as a replacement to the fist. The design was drastically changed internally for movement but this version failed in testing to move. The ears moved again but not by remote control like before.

Made in '11:
Both of these were made very close to each other and for the same event. The explanation was given in my introduction to this site. One is no longer around to photograph but it was used for a comic I'll show here. The only other online show of it is in a YouTube video which is my first experience puppetearing.

Made in '12:
Both of these were made for the same short video. Only multi-colored furry one has been used in videos after what it was made for since the bird type has been hard to find a purpose for again. Both I consider design accomplishments even if simple. (Remember I haven't been building these long).

Made a few months later:
Done by me assuming I know what I was doing at this point. It became over sized by mistake and I have yet to give a performance with it. The arm rods had not been added yet when this photo was taken.

Made a few months later:
Odd in design but I consider it a success. Not used in a performance yet because I don't have the preforming confidence yet to have it look like it's singing. Plus I failed a green screen test with it. (Still need to figure out how to hind myself well when using it against a green screen).

Made shortly after visiting the Texas Renaissance Festival.
What can I say I'm cheap, I didn't want to pay 75 dollars.

Made at the tail end of '12:
Minus the arm rods which were added after the photo was taken. This is the one you see in my avatar. No real design flaws have been discovered in it.

Re: What I've Made Up Till The Last One Posted by Out of the Box Puppets on Apr 10, 2013
Interesting body of work. It's great to see such diversity. Where do you find most of your inspiration?
Re: What I've Made Up Till The Last One Posted by Shawn on Apr 10, 2013
I love your take on the shoulder dragon! Nice to see the full body shot of avatar also. I like him even more now.
Can really see how you improved and progressed though the years. Tanks for sharing!

Re: What I've Made Up Till The Last One Posted by systemcat on Apr 12, 2013
Posted by: Out of the Box Puppets on Apr 10, 2013
Interesting body of work. It's great to see such diversity. Where do you find most of your inspiration?
Thank you

Well it tends to come from a lot of places, but for recently it started last year with me deciding I'd rather make nice puppets than have to buy them at absurd prices. 50 dollars for a jackrabbit from a gift shop, would you pay that?
Posted by: Shawn Sorrell on Apr 10, 2013
I love your take on the shoulder dragon! Nice to see the full body shot of avatar also. I like him even more now.Can really see how you improved and progressed though the years. Tanks for sharing!
Thanks and thanks also on the shoulder dragon, it was my second design idea for it

Re: What I've Made Up Till The Last One Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Apr 13, 2013
Thanks for sharing pictures of your work............We Love to see pictures.
Re: What I've Made Up Till The Last One Posted by Shawn on Apr 13, 2013
You are more then welcome to share links to videos. It is pretty hard to break any posting rules around here.
As long as you keep things respectful and aren't a spammer things are good! Videos from services like YouTube and some of the others actually get embedded into the post automatically although I don't think I have DeviantArt videos set up to do that.

Re: What I've Made Up Till The Last One Posted by pagestep007 on Apr 13, 2013
Good work. It is always inspiring to see what other people are making ad doing.
Re: What I've Made Up Till The Last One Posted by Gail on Apr 13, 2013
Very interesting and diverse. I like that orange hair and the gotee. You have lots of talent.
Re: What I've Made Up Till The Last One Posted by systemcat on Apr 16, 2013
Thank you every one
, here are the videos in order of how they got posted online:
(Wow, the YouTube one shows it's self on preview.)
You don't see the puppeteering at first, the video is actually convention coverage. The reason the Mr. Flibble bit happened is because every one loved the fact I'd added the puppet penguin to my Rimmer cosplay at the convention.
This was made as a replacement to a fake film productions intro I use in my YouTube films.
Since the first Rexy film was so well received I had to make a follow up. I couldn't resist using the dragon puppet I'm just acquired for this.
(Adding in this video on edit because I forgot about it.)
This wasn't made for a long time because I couldn't figure out how to film it for a while.
This video took a decent amount of time to setup. I consider it to be a semi-fail since I knew I could do a certain effect but wasn't sure how to when making it, so it wasn't made part of the video. Later I figured out how to add in the FX I wanted.
Just some fun with using the Sloth puppet. This video hurt me to make as you'll read in it's artist comments. Also the Sloth's arm rods both broke during it's making which made the video even harder to film.
An idea I just wanted to see happen. The snake isn't a puppet but a stuffed animal I turned into a marionette. The thread was easy to remove in the afterwards. The only thing that really bothers me about the film is it doesn't look like it's really trying to kill the tiger. The tiger by the way is a puppet bought from a yard sale when I was a little kid. It can be seen in a few of my YouTube videos but I'm not the performer in those, I'm just the camera person.
The latest video to be made. The artist comments I wrote to describe it, still fit my thoughts to it.

(Wow, the YouTube one shows it's self on preview.)
You don't see the puppeteering at first, the video is actually convention coverage. The reason the Mr. Flibble bit happened is because every one loved the fact I'd added the puppet penguin to my Rimmer cosplay at the convention.
This was made as a replacement to a fake film productions intro I use in my YouTube films.
Since the first Rexy film was so well received I had to make a follow up. I couldn't resist using the dragon puppet I'm just acquired for this.
(Adding in this video on edit because I forgot about it.)
This wasn't made for a long time because I couldn't figure out how to film it for a while.
This video took a decent amount of time to setup. I consider it to be a semi-fail since I knew I could do a certain effect but wasn't sure how to when making it, so it wasn't made part of the video. Later I figured out how to add in the FX I wanted.
Just some fun with using the Sloth puppet. This video hurt me to make as you'll read in it's artist comments. Also the Sloth's arm rods both broke during it's making which made the video even harder to film.
An idea I just wanted to see happen. The snake isn't a puppet but a stuffed animal I turned into a marionette. The thread was easy to remove in the afterwards. The only thing that really bothers me about the film is it doesn't look like it's really trying to kill the tiger. The tiger by the way is a puppet bought from a yard sale when I was a little kid. It can be seen in a few of my YouTube videos but I'm not the performer in those, I'm just the camera person.
The latest video to be made. The artist comments I wrote to describe it, still fit my thoughts to it.
Re: What I've Made Up Till The Last One Posted by Shawn on Apr 17, 2013
Cool to see your puppets in action.
Yes YT videos embed themselves automatically unless you use the small film strip icon to insert them and then choose not to have the embedded. The icon also lets you preview most videos that are embeddable before you insert them. I don't think that DeviantArts let's you embed the videos uploaded there in other sites.

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