My First Art Show Posted by PoorFishy on May 07, 2013
Hey folks. This past weekend I had my first art show where I put my puppets on display. I was hocking my puppet film - It Came From Uranus - while also trying out a new design called Zombuddies.
I sold a few DVDs but the Zombuddies didn't go over very well. But it was pretty fun.
Also, my puppet buddy, Gerorge R. Zombieman, was on hand and he was interviewed by Dr. StEvil. Look him up on Facebook. He's a hoot.
Anyway, here are a few pics from the show.

Rocco Meets a Fan

Alice and the little girl obviously go to the same hair stylist

I sold a few DVDs but the Zombuddies didn't go over very well. But it was pretty fun.
Also, my puppet buddy, Gerorge R. Zombieman, was on hand and he was interviewed by Dr. StEvil. Look him up on Facebook. He's a hoot.
Anyway, here are a few pics from the show.

Rocco Meets a Fan

Alice and the little girl obviously go to the same hair stylist

Re: My First Art Show Posted by Shawn on May 07, 2013
Looks like you had a pretty cool set up. How did the tennis shoes sell? Sorry to hear the Zombuddies did not sell well but I would not give up on them. They look cool... may just need to find the right market.
Re: My First Art Show Posted by Lola on May 10, 2013
These are great, and I would give it another go, but try to target your audience more. Something like Monsterpalloza or Bats Day might be a better venue for the zombie theme.

Re: My First Art Show Posted by PoorFishy on May 10, 2013
Yeah, I'll give it another go. There was such an eclectic mix of stuff at this show it was hard to determine what was going to move and what wasn't. We were two tables down from the Fangoria table, so I thought maybe we might have a chance. Not so much. Too cute. The kids loved them though, but Moms and Dads didn't want to drop that kind of dough.
Re: My First Art Show Posted by PoorFishy on May 10, 2013
Also, thank you.
Re: My First Art Show Posted by pagestep007 on May 10, 2013
I must say you are a very active puppet guy. Love your stuff.
Re: My First Art Show Posted by Rich D. on May 11, 2013
I think the dark green Zombuddy you can see in the last two pics is awesome.I'm curious,how much do one of those go for?
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