Skin of walter Posted by Jeroen van Ooijen on Jun 12, 2013
Hello,i don't know whats the skincolor of Walter from the muppetmovie,does someone know which color it is?
Please let me know.
Please let me know.
Re: Skin of walter Posted by andruppets on Jun 12, 2013
I would say he is #53 on the RIT DYE color formula,
Re: Skin of walter Posted by Jeroen van Ooijen on Jun 13, 2013
Ok i tought it was flesh antron,maby other suggestions?
Re: Skin of walter Posted by Shawn on Jun 13, 2013
#53 Looks close to some pictures I've seen of him but then in others he looks closer to #59. Remember that the colors shown on a computer screen are very deceptive. Best thing to do is do a test dye on a small piece of your fabric. Make sure that you make enough of the mix that you can then dye more or write down the recipe you end up using. Even following a recipe can yield slightly different results.
Re: Skin of walter Posted by Jeroen van Ooijen on Jun 13, 2013

Re: Skin of walter Posted by Shawn on Jun 14, 2013
Not all fabrics can be dyed. Antron can be dyed but most fleeces you find at the fabric store can not be. Ask at your local fabric store about dying. It might make more sense to hear it in your own language.
Re: Skin of walter Posted by Jeroen van Ooijen on Jun 14, 2013
i will dye antron fleece,because i find a shop in the uk that sells it.
I was contact rit dye in the us,only they won't ship to the Netherlands.We have here only dye from dylon,is dylon ok for antron?
I was contact rit dye in the us,only they won't ship to the Netherlands.We have here only dye from dylon,is dylon ok for antron?

Re: Skin of walter Posted by Shawn on Jun 14, 2013
Yes I think that Dylon works on Antron. Just do a test piece to make sure. It is easier to get Rit in the US which I think is why most folks us it here. I've actually heard some people (not puppet builders) say they prefer Dylon brand.
Re: Skin of walter Posted by Jeroen van Ooijen on Jun 14, 2013
They have it for the wasmachine or in a tin bottle which is better?
Re: Skin of walter Posted by Shawn on Jun 15, 2013
I know some people dye in the washing machine but for Antron I really think you may have better results with hand dyeing in a plastic tub. Also you really have to be careful with washing machine dying as it can leave a residue of the color in the machine that then can get on regular cloths. Many people have a second machine they use just for dyeing. Here are Stiqpuppets three part video series on how to dye Antron if you have not seen them.
He was using Rite dye in these videos but should be close to the same process for Dylon.
He was using Rite dye in these videos but should be close to the same process for Dylon.
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