Origami puppets. Posted by jackg09 on Jul 14, 2013
I have made a sock puppet but besides that all i can affored at the moment is paper origami puppets i have made... is it ok to use those since i am a beginner?
Re: Origami puppets. Posted by Na on Jul 15, 2013
Yes. It's a myth that a puppet has to look a certain way or be made out of certain materials. In fact, a lot of people run classes these days making puppets out of stuff they find in the backyard.
A good thing to do if you can't afford to buy materials is just get people to donate some recycled objects to you. There's someone here who made puppets out of plastic bottles and other bits and pieces; there are people who make puppets out of toys; there are people who use kitchen utensils; and yes, there are people who use origami.
A good thing to do if you can't afford to buy materials is just get people to donate some recycled objects to you. There's someone here who made puppets out of plastic bottles and other bits and pieces; there are people who make puppets out of toys; there are people who use kitchen utensils; and yes, there are people who use origami.
Re: Origami puppets. Posted by Shawn on Jul 15, 2013
I agree with Na. I've seen puppeteers that preform an entire show with just a pile of sticks. Have to say that one did not catch my fancy much but it does illustrate the definition of puppetry that it is the manipulation of any inanimate object.
Some of my favorite puppet performances use very simple basic puppets.

Re: Origami puppets. Posted by jackg09 on Jul 15, 2013
cool im glad its ok i use such basic things for now... i dont have a whole lot of money at the moment but IF i ever do im wanting to get a puppet from axtell.. ive seen people with those on youtube and on the axtell website they are NICE!!

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