Plethora o' Puppets Posted by NimhShambler on Aug 29, 2013
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This one is Salty Sam. He is my first sock puppet, made from a sock generously donated by my dad. I used an old wig for his hair (double stitched by hand. I'm rather good and hand stitching), googly eyes, and a ping-pong ball sewn on for his nose.

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Old Mr. Riley, the other sock donated by my dad. He is my second sock puppet. I glued on cotton balls for his hair, more googly eyes, and a triangle cut from soft foam sheet.

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This is Dirty Gurdie, my third sock puppet. She's not actually dirty, she's clean (I always launder the sock before I make a puppet. Don't want stinky feet puppets), but I think I shall redo her. Her eyes are, as usual, googly eyes. Her nose is a button from my first trench coat (a spare button), her hair is a rope sewn onto the top of her head. I made her tube-top out of a sock and stitched it to the puppet proper at the back. are cotton balls. She was made from a sock that I got while I was in the hospital for a while a couple of years ago.

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This is Ferdinand the Dancing Skeleton, my first (and also, likely my last) marionette. I really underestimated the difficulty of stringing. All I can really get him to do is tap dance. I also call him "Ferdinand the Hot Mess". You can't see it too well in the picture, but his string control is square.
Re: Plethora o' Puppets Posted by NimhShambler on Sep 17, 2013
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Don't mean to bump, but this is my newest puppet. I don't have a name for her, yet. I'm calling her "Science puppet" for now. As the name would suggest, she discusses science (to be specific, she favors parasitology and entomology).

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