Full size kids puppet theatre Posted by Sally on Oct 16, 2013

I am looking for a full size puppet theatre for my 6 yr old daughter and can not find anything on the net.
Can anyone help me out with a theatre or plans so I can make my own?
Tks heaps
Re: Full size kids puppet theatre Posted by Na on Oct 16, 2013
you'll find something useful here in this list, hopefully
DependIng on where you are I might have suggestions on where to buy... Keep in mind though that 'puppet theatre' is a bit of a misnomer; more important is what *kind* of puppet is it, from there you can work out what staging is required. At a guess, you are probably looking for finger, glove or muppet type stuff?
DependIng on where you are I might have suggestions on where to buy... Keep in mind though that 'puppet theatre' is a bit of a misnomer; more important is what *kind* of puppet is it, from there you can work out what staging is required. At a guess, you are probably looking for finger, glove or muppet type stuff?
Re: Full size kids puppet theatre Posted by Sally on Oct 16, 2013
Thanks for the link and response. I'm in Sydney, Australia and was thinking of the larger hand puppets and a theatre to match.
Re: Full size kids puppet theatre Posted by Na on Oct 16, 2013
Just for clarification - can you link to an image on the net of what puppets you mean? Different people use 'hand puppets' to refer to different things. As for places to buy near you, off the top of my head Fun Puppets might have something. The list here has a link to them, and other possibilities.
Having said that, my orignal link to the list of patterns will be your best bet. Puppet stores are rare here, those that sell pre-made sets are even rarer. The patterns and tutorials on that page are mostly for kids, so that might be easier than finding a store that sells something appropriate.
Having said that, my orignal link to the list of patterns will be your best bet. Puppet stores are rare here, those that sell pre-made sets are even rarer. The patterns and tutorials on that page are mostly for kids, so that might be easier than finding a store that sells something appropriate.
Re: Full size kids puppet theatre Posted by Sally on Oct 16, 2013
Thanks Na. I have had a look through the links and have not really found any I can buy. I'll start looking at designs and go from there.
Re: Full size kids puppet theatre Posted by Na on Oct 16, 2013
Yeah, I think the only places that might sell them are interstate - I know Geppetto's in Victoria may have something, and there's another place which I can't remember off the top of my head. But outside of that, it's pretty much something you'll need to build yourself.
Good luck with it!
Good luck with it!
Re: Full size kids puppet theatre Posted by C16thFoxe on Oct 30, 2013
Yeah, G'day Sally,
You might want to consider a slot together PVC frame, it is relatively cheap and easy to assemble. Puppet theaters (stages/booths) are always built to comfortably fit the size of the puppeteer (whether they operate hands in front (of face) or hands above (head)). Taking the PVC route, as your daughter grows, you can easily (and cheaply) alter the dimensions. Here's a link to one version. Others can be found by doing a Google search for: PVC puppet theater.
Should you decide to go the more traditional wooden booth way, take a look here for inspiration.
Be warned though, building your own theater can be an expensive exercise (I've spent nearly NZ$600 and I'm nowhere finished yet
). But it is highly rewarding. Good Luck.
You might want to consider a slot together PVC frame, it is relatively cheap and easy to assemble. Puppet theaters (stages/booths) are always built to comfortably fit the size of the puppeteer (whether they operate hands in front (of face) or hands above (head)). Taking the PVC route, as your daughter grows, you can easily (and cheaply) alter the dimensions. Here's a link to one version. Others can be found by doing a Google search for: PVC puppet theater.
Should you decide to go the more traditional wooden booth way, take a look here for inspiration.
Be warned though, building your own theater can be an expensive exercise (I've spent nearly NZ$600 and I'm nowhere finished yet

Re: Full size kids puppet theatre Posted by The Puppet Workshop on Oct 30, 2013
I love this idea... its an easy dooway theatre and its so small to store, put up and pull down. Super cute too an easy to make
Re: Full size kids puppet theatre Posted by Na on Oct 30, 2013
Yeah, there's a lot of doorway tutorials out there. Only useful if you have a doorway to use and don't want to be outside 

Re: Full size kids puppet theatre Posted by Gail on Oct 30, 2013
We used to use a curtain rod in doorway stage when my kids were young but they kept leaning on the rod and it would fall down. I was thinking of putting a rod across my narrow front porch for Halloween but I bet it would keep falling down too. I guess that will teach the puppeteers good technique to not lean on the stage.
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