Around the world Posted by The Director on Mar 18, 2014
             An interesting thing has happened.   My character Patsy Hoolahan of course has a youtube channel and it has been a struggle to get subscribers and draw interest.  That's okay I appreciate the fans she has.  The interesting and cool thing is, suddenly her face book page has been flooded with friend requests from ventriloquists, puppeteers, and artists from all around the world.  I don't think many of them speak english, or have even seen her videos.  I'm not even sure if they know or are involved with this site.  I welcomed them with an apology for only speaking English but I also said "creativity speaks the same language".  Here is the link if anyone would like to check out the page.
Re: Around the world Posted by Shawn on Mar 19, 2014
Hey congrats!  Puppeteers seem to be pretty active on FB.  Glad they found you!
Re: Around the world Posted by Shawn on Mar 19, 2014
Just a quick P.S. for you and others who have FB pages.  I've noticed a big increase in request from what I am pretty sure are spammers. They are pretty easy to spot.  I normally check any request for groups or pages I admin.  If the picture for the user looks like a young sexy girl beware. Check the profile and if it is new with no history and you see "... has recently changed his profile picture" or something like that you can bet it is a fake account.  The tell is in the "his" when the profile is supposed to be for a women.

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