KnoxNovice puppet newbie joins group Posted by KnoxNovice on May 04, 2014
Greetings, List.

I'm Freddie B, joining from Knoxville, Tennessee. I'm making my first set of puppets, a Statler and Waldorf-inspired pair, for a concert by a chorus I conduct.  We will be performing in an old theatre with beautiful loges on either side of the stage, which just scream for a puppet pair to make an appearance or two.

My first foray has gone well so far. I'm not going for the level of detail of Statler and Waldorf. I've had success constructing the heads using a round head puppet pattern found on the web (Sam Patterson, on YouTube), and I've been digging around on here and other places for help with the bodies. I've finally found PuppetLady's torso pattern, which should be a big help. What I now need to figure out is how to add some pecs to the torso, as the two chorus members whose personalities have also inspired this pair, are regular "gym bunnies."  I'm after some detail a long the lines of Avenue Q's "Ricky," so we'll see how it goes.

I'm enjoying the site.  Thanks in advance for any help that comes my way.

All best,
Re: KnoxNovice puppet newbie joins group Posted by Shawn on May 05, 2014
Welcome to Puppets and Stuff!

Pecs should be easy. Just cut the shape out of sheet foam then use your scissors to shape and sculpt the shape by rounding off the edges. Glue these on to your body the cover in your fabric used for the face. I will say though unless they are bare chested it may not show much. Might be a good idea to build up the shoulders some also to give that body builder look.

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