Re: new web page Posted by Na on Aug 05, 2014
Shawn explained it all before I could get here. Generally speaking, a browse through the Wordpress documentation should help you work out some additional things for how to present your website - look for the SEO info. I have only briefly 'used' Wordpress in the sense that I installed it, attempted to design a template, and then abandoned it for something more compatible with what I needed.
Something I have found using is this:
It gives you a checklist of all the things you want to do before launching a website - although a lot you can do afterwards too
You might not understand what some of the things are, but there are plenty of free tutorials out there that explain what they are and how to do them. I'm self-taught so I can tell you those tutorials are really useful!
Something you might want to do later down the track is figure out how to add a template for mobile/tablets. I've found that at least 10% of my visitors are using either of those, and a large website that looks good on a computer is really hard to use on a smaller device. Quite often Wordpress templates have a mobile/tablet version provided with the 'large' template, but it depends on what one you're using.
Also, the text you've added to the page: you want more than keywords. Just having keywords on the page is a bit 'spammy' and you might actually hurt yourself in terms of search engine ranking by doing that. You want proper descriptions, written for a human being: something to entice someone to hire you. Think in terms of what people want to know about you, your work and how you do it.
When I talked about special keywords, I was talking about the video below. 'Metadata' is something that can't be seen visually on the page. If you right-click this page, then select 'view page source', a pop-up appears. This pop-up contains all the underlying code of Puppets and Stuff. You will see at the top of the page, the following:
< meta name="description" content="new web page Our members are puppeteers or puppet enthusiast from around the world. Puppets and Stuff endevours to bring the world of puppetry to the web." />
<meta name="keywords" content="Puppets,Marionettes,String,Puppeteers,Puppetry,Theater,Music,Puppet Pictures,Hand Puppets,Rod Puppets,Shadow Puppetry,Bunraku,Automatons,Puppet Consruction,Puppet Manipulation,Puppet Shows" />
This is the 'metadata'. You notice that none of that text actually appears on the P&S page as you look at it normally. This info only appears if you look at the code itself; that's what I meant by hidden keywords. If you right-click your website, and look at the page source, you won't see anything similar at the top of the page. You need to add those keywords and things as described in the video below (or wherever the support site above tells you)
Something I have found using is this:
It gives you a checklist of all the things you want to do before launching a website - although a lot you can do afterwards too

You might not understand what some of the things are, but there are plenty of free tutorials out there that explain what they are and how to do them. I'm self-taught so I can tell you those tutorials are really useful!
Something you might want to do later down the track is figure out how to add a template for mobile/tablets. I've found that at least 10% of my visitors are using either of those, and a large website that looks good on a computer is really hard to use on a smaller device. Quite often Wordpress templates have a mobile/tablet version provided with the 'large' template, but it depends on what one you're using.
Also, the text you've added to the page: you want more than keywords. Just having keywords on the page is a bit 'spammy' and you might actually hurt yourself in terms of search engine ranking by doing that. You want proper descriptions, written for a human being: something to entice someone to hire you. Think in terms of what people want to know about you, your work and how you do it.
When I talked about special keywords, I was talking about the video below. 'Metadata' is something that can't be seen visually on the page. If you right-click this page, then select 'view page source', a pop-up appears. This pop-up contains all the underlying code of Puppets and Stuff. You will see at the top of the page, the following:
< meta name="description" content="new web page Our members are puppeteers or puppet enthusiast from around the world. Puppets and Stuff endevours to bring the world of puppetry to the web." />
<meta name="keywords" content="Puppets,Marionettes,String,Puppeteers,Puppetry,Theater,Music,Puppet Pictures,Hand Puppets,Rod Puppets,Shadow Puppetry,Bunraku,Automatons,Puppet Consruction,Puppet Manipulation,Puppet Shows" />
This is the 'metadata'. You notice that none of that text actually appears on the P&S page as you look at it normally. This info only appears if you look at the code itself; that's what I meant by hidden keywords. If you right-click your website, and look at the page source, you won't see anything similar at the top of the page. You need to add those keywords and things as described in the video below (or wherever the support site above tells you)
Re: new web page Posted by John Arnold on Aug 05, 2014
The most important thing for a website is good content, traffic, and references.
Google and other search engines (Bing) are changing the game and Meta tags or keywords are a lot less important than they used to be.
Interesting article from Mashable:
Google and other search engines (Bing) are changing the game and Meta tags or keywords are a lot less important than they used to be.
Interesting article from Mashable:
Re: new web page Posted by Na on Aug 05, 2014
Posted by: John Arnold on Aug 05, 2014
The most important thing for a website is good content, traffic, and references.
Google and other search engines (Bing) are changing the game and Meta tags or keywords are a lot less important than they used to be.
Interesting article from Mashable:
This is true to some extent, however the main reason i mentioned the metadata title is because it is used as the tab title in your browser. If you have lots of tabs open but there is no metadata title then it makes it hard to know what each tab/website is open to.
However if there is no text on the page at all but there is metadata, you will have a hard tome getting lots of traffic. The fact is that it is just simpler to have both.
Re: new web page Posted by titere on Aug 07, 2014
Posted by: Shawn Sorrell on Aug 05, 2014
There is something off with your slide shows. Not sure how to guide you though to get it fixed. The Title and desction is not showing up clearly when you mouse over the picture because of the small navigation buttons at the bottom. Did you perhaps modify the CSS for that plugin? Do you have options to perhaps have the title and description show below the picture instead of over it? That might help.
The rest is looking great!
Yes, i see that! :/ I wish I can modify the CSS for the plugin, I have no idea of how to do that. But, there are several plugins available for "slideshows", so I will try another one, and see if it works better.
Re: new web page Posted by titere on Aug 07, 2014
Posted by: Na on Aug 05, 2014
Shawn explained it all before I could get here. Generally speaking, a browse through the Wordpress documentation should help you work out some additional things for how to present your website - look for the SEO info. I have only briefly 'used' Wordpress in the sense that I installed it, attempted to design a template, and then abandoned it for something more compatible with what I needed.
Something I have found using is this:
It gives you a checklist of all the things you want to do before launching a website - although a lot you can do afterwards too
You might not understand what some of the things are, but there are plenty of free tutorials out there that explain what they are and how to do them. I'm self-taught so I can tell you those tutorials are really useful!
Something you might want to do later down the track is figure out how to add a template for mobile/tablets. I've found that at least 10% of my visitors are using either of those, and a large website that looks good on a computer is really hard to use on a smaller device. Quite often Wordpress templates have a mobile/tablet version provided with the 'large' template, but it depends on what one you're using.
Also, the text you've added to the page: you want more than keywords. Just having keywords on the page is a bit 'spammy' and you might actually hurt yourself in terms of search engine ranking by doing that. You want proper descriptions, written for a human being: something to entice someone to hire you. Think in terms of what people want to know about you, your work and how you do it.
When I talked about special keywords, I was talking about the video below. 'Metadata' is something that can't be seen visually on the page. If you right-click this page, then select 'view page source', a pop-up appears. This pop-up contains all the underlying code of Puppets and Stuff. You will see at the top of the page, the following:
< meta name="description" content="new web page Our members are puppeteers or puppet enthusiast from around the world. Puppets and Stuff endevours to bring the world of puppetry to the web." />
This is the 'metadata'. You notice that none of that text actually appears on the P&S page as you look at it normally. This info only appears if you look at the code itself; that's what I meant by hidden keywords. If you right-click your website, and look at the page source, you won't see anything similar at the top of the page. You need to add those keywords and things as described in the video below (or wherever the support site above tells you)
Thanks Na for the advices. I will be checking on the description and text on my pages.
Re: new web page Posted by titere on Aug 07, 2014
Posted by: John Arnold on Aug 05, 2014
The most important thing for a website is good content, traffic, and references.Thanks for the link!
Google and other search engines (Bing) are changing the game and Meta tags or keywords are a lot less important than they used to be.
Interesting article from Mashable:
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