Freelancers Union Posted by Shawn on Aug 01, 2014
I actually saw a note about this over at Puppet Hub awhile back and thought it might be worth sharing here.  This is only in the US but it is possible there are things in other countries also.

The site allows you to search by zipcode to find benefit packages that are available in your area. In my area found some offerings although it did not have any Medical offerings. It did say Medical was coming soon.
Re: Freelancers Union Posted by yalaurie on Aug 01, 2014
That's pretty cool. Not to get all political but benefits are the main reason i've always kept a 9-5 job. I wonder how things will shift now that the Affordable Care Act passed. That is supposed to help self implied folks get reasonability priced health insurance so technically you don't have to be tied to a 9-5 job. I haven't heard of this union but it totally is a brilliant idea.

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