Good places to post crowdfunding links/advice for campaigns Posted by mrbumblepants on Nov 26, 2014
I have started a mini-crowdfunding campaign to get a better microphone for my videos. I was hoping that someone here could offer me some advice on where to post it, and on the campaign itself.
Here's the link:
I've spread the link around a little bit, but I think it's been overshadowed by current events and also the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. So I was hoping there might be some places where folks are more likely to see it.
Also, I'd love some critique on my campaign! Hoping there are folks here who have run campaigns in the past, who can offer advice.
Here's the link:
I've spread the link around a little bit, but I think it's been overshadowed by current events and also the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. So I was hoping there might be some places where folks are more likely to see it.
Also, I'd love some critique on my campaign! Hoping there are folks here who have run campaigns in the past, who can offer advice.
Re: Good places to post crowdfunding links/advice for campaigns Posted by Chris Arveson on Nov 26, 2014
I don't know where you have posted the link (other than here, of course) but the most obvious places would be on your Facebook page (Hopefully you have one) and on your Youtube channel page. You can edit the description on your Youtube videos, or even add an annotation to the videos with a link to your blog page. That way people who are already interested in your puppets will be reached. They are the most likely to donate to the cause.
You have a Twitter account, so think of an original, creative, amusing way to Tweet daily about your crowdfunding campaign. Ask friends to pin your page on their Pinterest pages. Be sure to hit the other puppetry community pages as well.
You have a Twitter account, so think of an original, creative, amusing way to Tweet daily about your crowdfunding campaign. Ask friends to pin your page on their Pinterest pages. Be sure to hit the other puppetry community pages as well.
Re: Good places to post crowdfunding links/advice for campaigns Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Nov 26, 2014
Chris pretty much summed it up! Good luck with'll get it be patient. If you could share a picture or a link to the microphone you are wanting might help. Amazon has a wish list you can make public. Some folks would be more likely to buy it from your wish list and give it to you as a gift rather than donate money.
Re: Good places to post crowdfunding links/advice for campaigns Posted by Shawn on Nov 26, 2014
There you go Mr. Bumble Pants. It will show up under my design email but it is from all of us here at Puppets and Stuff! That should get you started... let the snowball fly!

Re: Good places to post crowdfunding links/advice for campaigns Posted by mrbumblepants on Nov 26, 2014
I have put it up on Facebook, Twitter, and Livejournal. Twitter is where I'm most active, so I've got high hopes for that. I should probably post about it on Instagram too. I'm considering trying to go for a week making a puppet video for it every day - but somehow I'm stuck when I try to make a video on this topic. (Although I can manage to babble about everything else under the sun.)
I wasn't sure if posting a picture of the microphone I'm going to get was a good idea, but I'll go ahead and add that. I belong to a community called Holiday Wishes that will open up wishlists soon, so I'm going to ask people there to look at it. People there will sometimes purchase things off of amazon wishlists as well.
Thanks so much! I figure this'll take awhile, but I'm in no rush, and it's good to see how many people are interested in what I'm doing right now - so even if I make no money, it will still be useful. I've also tried putting together campaigns before, but agonized a little too long over details and never managed it, so even getting it out there is progress for me.
I wasn't sure if posting a picture of the microphone I'm going to get was a good idea, but I'll go ahead and add that. I belong to a community called Holiday Wishes that will open up wishlists soon, so I'm going to ask people there to look at it. People there will sometimes purchase things off of amazon wishlists as well.
Thanks so much! I figure this'll take awhile, but I'm in no rush, and it's good to see how many people are interested in what I'm doing right now - so even if I make no money, it will still be useful. I've also tried putting together campaigns before, but agonized a little too long over details and never managed it, so even getting it out there is progress for me.
Re: Good places to post crowdfunding links/advice for campaigns Posted by mrbumblepants on Nov 26, 2014
Wow, I just checked my account, and somebody gave me a huge donation. Now I have to figure out something to do for my $100!
Re: Good places to post crowdfunding links/advice for campaigns Posted by Na on Nov 26, 2014
You might want to search this forum for other discussions on crowdfunding, there might be some tips in those. Andrew from Puppetvision had a lot of good info to share. Also, try looking for articles on the net about crowdfunding. I've talked about it before, but a lot of indie gaming sites post some really good behind-the-scenes discussions about setting up, running and then marketing campaigns. They may be dedicated to gaming but I found a lot of the tips generally useful.
Regularly tweeting or reminding via Facebook is a good way to go. You have to keep reminding people because if you post once some people might not see it, or think to do it later and forget.
Wish I had the money to donate, but it's tight at the mo. Good luck though!
Regularly tweeting or reminding via Facebook is a good way to go. You have to keep reminding people because if you post once some people might not see it, or think to do it later and forget.
Wish I had the money to donate, but it's tight at the mo. Good luck though!
Re: Good places to post crowdfunding links/advice for campaigns Posted by Chris Arveson on Nov 27, 2014
Congrats on the donation. I figure humor never hurts, and obviously with Twitter, brevity is key.
Amplify me, and you'll stop hearing me!
Can't hear me? Donate and you won't hear me at all!
I'm sure there are lots more ideas. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Amplify me, and you'll stop hearing me!
Can't hear me? Donate and you won't hear me at all!
I'm sure there are lots more ideas. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Re: Good places to post crowdfunding links/advice for campaigns Posted by mrbumblepants on Nov 27, 2014
Posted by: Na on Nov 26, 2014
You might want to search this forum for other discussions on crowdfunding, there might be some tips in those. Andrew from Puppetvision had a lot of good info to share. Also, try looking for articles on the net about crowdfunding. I've talked about it before, but a lot of indie gaming sites post some really good behind-the-scenes discussions about setting up, running and then marketing campaigns. They may be dedicated to gaming but I found a lot of the tips generally useful.
Regularly tweeting or reminding via Facebook is a good way to go. You have to keep reminding people because if you post once some people might not see it, or think to do it later and forget.
Wish I had the money to donate, but it's tight at the mo. Good luck though!
I'll look him up later. I've read articles on crowdfunding in general before, but I figure it never hurts to ask for more info for a specific project. I know of a few folks who have done crowdfunding that I can poke as well.
No worries! Money's usually tight for me too, so I settle for spreading links around.
Re: Good places to post crowdfunding links/advice for campaigns Posted by mrbumblepants on Nov 27, 2014
Posted by: Chris Arveson on Nov 27, 2014
Congrats on the donation. I figure humor never hurts, and obviously with Twitter, brevity is key.
Amplify me, and you'll stop hearing me!
Can't hear me? Donate and you won't hear me at all!
I'm sure there are lots more ideas. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
That's hilarious. I should have used something like that. :D
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