Name suggestion Posted by TygerMin on Feb 22, 2015
I am seeking suggestions for a name for my first puppet video series. It is described as:
"JD likes to dream, but his focus always changes. Watch every week as JD explores a variety of interests. Visiting comic conventions, local attractions, interviewing people about their dreams, exploring local businesses, box opening videos, and much more."
The character is basically modeled after myself. I have had a lot of dreams and ideas over the past few years, and many false starts. This character is going to explore that route and allow me to try a lot of different things under the guise of an unfocused dreamer. My hope is to use the series to encourage others to follow their dreams, no matter what they are. Ok, unboxing videos don't really fill that gap, but there is a lot of stuff out there (Loot Crate, Nerd block, etc..) that I am curious about. And it will have a good focus on "nerdy" things.
Anyway, naming is not a strong point of mine. I was thinking maybe The Spontaneous JD or JD's Spontaneous Adventures.
"JD likes to dream, but his focus always changes. Watch every week as JD explores a variety of interests. Visiting comic conventions, local attractions, interviewing people about their dreams, exploring local businesses, box opening videos, and much more."
The character is basically modeled after myself. I have had a lot of dreams and ideas over the past few years, and many false starts. This character is going to explore that route and allow me to try a lot of different things under the guise of an unfocused dreamer. My hope is to use the series to encourage others to follow their dreams, no matter what they are. Ok, unboxing videos don't really fill that gap, but there is a lot of stuff out there (Loot Crate, Nerd block, etc..) that I am curious about. And it will have a good focus on "nerdy" things.
Anyway, naming is not a strong point of mine. I was thinking maybe The Spontaneous JD or JD's Spontaneous Adventures.
Re: Name suggestion Posted by Shawn on Feb 23, 2015
JD Dreams
Dream On
Dream On
Re: Name suggestion Posted by mrbumblepants on Feb 23, 2015
"What's Up With JD"
"The Curious Adventures/Tails Of JD"
"The Curious Adventures/Tails Of JD"
Re: Name suggestion Posted by TygerMin on Feb 23, 2015
"What's Up With JD"
Ooohh...I like that one!
Re: Name suggestion Posted by TygerMin on Feb 23, 2015
Though, I am thinking "Chasing Dreams with JD".
Re: Name suggestion Posted by John Arnold on Feb 23, 2015
Re: Name suggestion Posted by Shawn on Feb 24, 2015
Good one John! I was trying to think of something that would tie in to JD myself and completely over looked the obvious. 

Re: Name suggestion Posted by TygerMin on Feb 24, 2015
That is an awesome idea, thanks John! I tried that route as well, but didn't like Jumping Dreams and couldn't think of much else. I could see the puppet resting on the "ING" of that logo just staring off into space.
Re: Name suggestion Posted by Gail on Feb 24, 2015
Or you could move the Just over to right and have puppet sitting on J like a swing too.
Re: Name suggestion Posted by TygerMin on May 16, 2015
Want to throw out another thank you John Arnold! More or less setup and ready to go once JD gets here next week
Went through Lunas Puppets and used a modified Otto and Beatriz created this logo for the show:

I have five interviews setup and hope to start putting up videos by the first of July. I am currently trying to put together a simple teaser trailer, and thought I would ask for help here
I am looking for short phone quality videos where people state "My dream is to..." followed by a few words or a short sentence. The trailer will be a mix of those and ending with JD stating "My dream is to explore those dreams and more." If anyone would be interested, you can email a video to jdpuppets at

I have five interviews setup and hope to start putting up videos by the first of July. I am currently trying to put together a simple teaser trailer, and thought I would ask for help here

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