Weights for a marionette Posted by Sandra on Jun 10, 2017
Hi everybody, I am posting here because I am not sure where to post this question. If you wish to put it at another place Shawn, please feel free to do so, I do not mind.
I have some bb parashute type pellets and I am thinking of melting (like 3 together in order to make one weight) and I was wondering what is the melting point of these and if it is a good idea to do? I want to make weights that will be perfect for my marionettes in the future and I do not want to spend unnecessarily on this but want to use stuff I already have. I have never melted anything before, so I have to create my own tools with what I do have, or get as little tools as I need. Any advice would be best, thanks.
I have some bb parashute type pellets and I am thinking of melting (like 3 together in order to make one weight) and I was wondering what is the melting point of these and if it is a good idea to do? I want to make weights that will be perfect for my marionettes in the future and I do not want to spend unnecessarily on this but want to use stuff I already have. I have never melted anything before, so I have to create my own tools with what I do have, or get as little tools as I need. Any advice would be best, thanks.
Re: Weights for a marionette Posted by Shawn on Jun 11, 2017
Are they lead? I always just used fishing weights which are lead, and then took a hammer to them to flatten and shape them into what I needed. 

Re: Weights for a marionette Posted by Sandra on Jun 11, 2017
Indeed, they are made of lead. My husband and I were thinking of maybe melting several of them together, but if that can't be done, I can always try to put individual pellets in the wrist area and feet area, I think that could work out. Since I am not using wood, but rather styrofoam and paper mache, weight is an issue and I want the movements to become more realistic, so I will try several options. Thanks for the idea of flattening them with a hammer, I will try that. Something tells me that this will work out great. Thanks a lot Shawn, you are awesome.
Re: Weights for a marionette Posted by Sandra on Jun 18, 2017
I got some fishing weights of different sizes, this should do the trick. Thanks for suggesting it Shawn!
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