Help building a unique little puppet. Posted by faytdarkblade on Apr 02, 2018
Hello, so I've been looking all over the internet because I need some help or ideas how to bring to life a character of mine I've been dying to turn into a puppet.

My biggest concern is his teeth and possibly his tongue. I'm also hoping to make him actually hat size.

My biggest concern is his teeth and possibly his tongue. I'm also hoping to make him actually hat size.
Re: Help building a unique little puppet. Posted by Gail on Apr 02, 2018
That looks possible if the top jaw is slightly larger than the bottom so the teeth slide down. I have a suggestion for the tongue, add something for weight along the bottom tip of tongue so that it will wiggle from gravity as you move head from sympathetic movement. The eyes are very far apart and inexpressive, what is the mind set of this character, what is he feeling if anything?
Re: Help building a unique little puppet. Posted by Shawn on Apr 03, 2018
I did a tongue on a dog and like Snail mentioned it had a weight in the bottom. It was more of a tear drop shape so that when attached in the mouth it had some natural back and forth movement.
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