Hello! I work in theater, and I am currently working on my first puppet construction project. I am attempting to create a monkey puppet that is rod controlled. My reference points are primarily from the theatre tradition of Bunraku puppetry, but I am drawing influences from marionettes as well. Right now my intention is to use a combination of ball joints and string joints, and I intend to use wood dowels for the arms and legs. I plan to sculpt the head from Sculpey and the hands and feet from Cosclay.
My biggest barriers right now are figuring out what material to use for the body and the neck joint - I am thinking that a basic wood frame for the body can be padded/shaped with upholstery foam. My preliminary research tells me using a golf ball for the neck joint may be the way to go.
I welcome any feedback and helpful advice! I will update the thread as I begin the journey
My biggest barriers right now are figuring out what material to use for the body and the neck joint - I am thinking that a basic wood frame for the body can be padded/shaped with upholstery foam. My preliminary research tells me using a golf ball for the neck joint may be the way to go.
I welcome any feedback and helpful advice! I will update the thread as I begin the journey

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Discussion Started Aug 29, 2024 By

Member Since: 8/29/24
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