Hey, I'm planning on making a puppet of a canine character, and I want to give it a flexible mouth plate for lots of expression but I also want to have a couple mechanisms in the head (eyes, ears, etc.). In most puppets, the mechanisms rest on a hard mouth plate or on top of the puppeteers hand, but since this character has a flexible mouth plate and my hand will be forward of the eyes because of the snout, those won't be possible, and I don't think that mounting the mechanisms directly on the foam will work. I want to know some ideas for a solid head structure that can hold mechanisms independent of the mouth plate. I was thinking of some kind of large, hollow sports ball that I could use as a base (I once made a small glove puppet with a whiffle ball as a head that allowed for a cure ear mechanism, I'm looking for the same principle but larger). 3D printing a head seems like a great option, but I don't have access to a 3D printer, much less one large enough to print a whole hand puppet head. Anyways, I want to hear all of your suggestions.
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Discussion Started Oct 4, 2021 By