I will live stream a 45-minute panel about puppet crafting for Eurofurence Online 2020 - Saturday, 22. August 2020 - 12:00pm (local time Germany - that's 6am EDT, 3am PDT).
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The official website for the event is at https://www.eurofurence.org/EFO2020/  
There are more puppetry related panels at this event.
By Tioh on Aug 22, 2020, 4:08 PM

Here is a quick edit of today's twitch live stream for Eurofurence Online (EFO2020) - my panel about "How the puppets for the Eurofurence Pawpet-Show were made".
I cut some pauses, noise when I reached for something to show on camera and video source changes. 
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Discussion Started Aug 20, 2020 By
Member Since: 1/29/12
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