Seattle Guild May Guild Meeting--a show, a backstage tour and a workshop Posted by Puppeteer_Elly on Mar 26, 2008
Since Evite worked so well, we plan to use it again for our meetings...Let me know if you are in the Seattle Area or plan to be in May and would like to be invited to the May Meeting...

Come see Thistle Theatre's  "Billy Goats Gruff"

Thistle Theatre does a hilarious musical version of the classic Norwegian story in which the Three Billy Goats Gruff are in search of fresh green grass. Two of them convince their new friend the Water Troll to build them a bridge. Unfortunately, when you build a bridge you get a bridge troll. Sure enough a humorously grumpy Bridge Troll moves in and attempts to stop each of the Billy Goats from reaching the other side.

Free for PofPS Guild Members.

There will be a Q&A with the puppeteers, a backstage tour and Jean Enticknap will give a bunraku puppet manipulation workshop.  This is something you don't want to miss!


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