Organ Grinder Monkey Marionette Posted by Nikole H. on Apr 05, 2008
I have been toying with the idea of an organ grinder monkey marionette for some time now.  I even mentioned about it here at Puppets and Stuff about a year ago....i think. 

Anyways, I am happy to announce that my project is on its way.  My deadline for this is June since I will be debuting him at my son's third birthday party along with my flea circus.  It should be quite the event and I already hired a professional photographer and will have hubby film it also.

It is a soft sculpture marionette....meaning it is made of fabric and then the features are brought out by sewing and pulling the string.  I used two large beads for the eyes to get a realistic reflection and set them in with pieces of fabric sewn in.  I like the rough look it gives.  The hair is glued on wool.  They are 100% locks of wool.  The only issue that I have come across with in the past with fabric marionettes is the weight.  If not weighted down, they do not move nicely.  I have stuffed the head with polyfil and then added BB know like ammo for a BB gun.  I don't have a BB gun but I found these pellets at Walmart and was so excited that a little bit weighs a lot.  I am happy with the results so far.  The only problem with finishing him this weekend is that I just got sick!    I was hoping to get him done by this weekend so that I can start practicing with him.  I'm so sad that I cannot work on him some more.

Just wanted to share in my excitement with him.  I hope you all love him as much as I do.  I hope he comes off being cute in the end and doesn't scare kids...HA HA HA.  My son kissed him so I guess that is a good start.

Thanks for looking!

I hope to also use him on the streets of Waikiki alongside the other street performers.  I have always wanted to write a book on street performances since I travel to different countries and this is a normal art form.  I think that one cannot truly do research without trying it out themselves.  Therefore, if you are visiting Hawaii in the next month, you might be able to see me on the Waikiki strip at night....HA HA HA. 

Re: Organ Grinder Monkey Marionette Posted by LJ on Apr 05, 2008
Now can we see pictures of him in action?  I can't wait for that! He is cute!!
Re: Organ Grinder Monkey Marionette Posted by Ron G. on Apr 06, 2008
You are so ambitious, Nikole! I wish I could see you busking with him - that seems like performing in its purest form.

Break a string!

Ron G.
Re: Organ Grinder Monkey Marionette Posted by StiqPuppet Productions on Apr 06, 2008
Wow he is coming along, he does have that little monkey face that they usually do.  I remember a long while ago in Ottawa I saw a street performer with a organ grinder and a real live monkey who would come around and take the change out of your hand and give it the the guy.  I has stuck in my head for this long.  That little monkey had the same beady eyes and roughed up face.

Are you going to add magnets to the hands so that the monkey can take the change (or a clip to take bills) out of peoples hands?  That would be a unique touch. 

Good luck and I can't wait to see more pictures and video once you get going.

Daryl H
Re: Organ Grinder Monkey Marionette Posted by Nikole H. on Apr 06, 2008

I will be sure to take video of my little monkey when I perform on the streets.  I don't think coins are magnetic and the clip idea for the bills is a cute idea.  My plan was to have a simple hat on the ground that the monkey will point to and then do tricks...then point again and again....cry if need be...HA HA HA.  I'm going to be the harsh organ grinder that tells the monkey that he doesn't get his treat unless he brings in some money.  That I hope will bring sympathy for him from the audience.  Since I won't be needing any money that I generate and this is simply my "experiment/experience for my book," I will be donating any money that I make to charitable animal sanctuaries.  I have already told the zoo that any money I make at their event will go directly to them and they will provide me the signage for that to let the audience know.  I used to volunteer at the zoo vet hospital so I am pleased to be able to do this for them.  I'm excited and hope that I can generate a lot of donations.  The money really does go straight to the animals.  I have seen it for myself since volunteering there for over two years.  It is good to know where your money is really going.  My other charitable cause is going to Main Line Rescue which was featured on Oprah this past Friday.  If you didn't see her show on puppy mills, please visit her site at for a wonderful eye opening story.  We all have heard about puppy mills but to actually see what it entails is disconcerting.  It was not too hard to watch as some animal rights films I have seen.  However, I think it is a must see for anyone who is thinking of adding a pet to their family.

Ok....enough of my "animal rights" talk.  Most on here at Puppets and Stuff know that I am a big fan of animals and focus my energy towards them and children.  They are the reason that I do puppetry and call my puppets...PupPets.  I also came up with the idea of performing with animal puppets to show that we don't need live animals for entertainment reasons.  OK OK I SAID ENOUGH ANIMAL RIGHTS TALK....sorry! 

Thanks for looking at my little monkey and I will be sure to follow up with more on him!

Much Aloha,
Re: Organ Grinder Monkey Marionette Posted by Nikole H. on Apr 06, 2008
Here are a few more pictures of my monkey with an added body.  Even though I am very ill and cannot speak, I was able to muster some strength left to whip out the body main frame.  I chose to do a split hinge soft body in order to allow for trick manipulations such as hand stands and back flips.  I have attached his head but have not yet completed the fur on his body so that you can see the construction of him and also I still need to add his arms and legs of course....oh and a tail.

Enjoy! (p.s. you will see his size by the computer keyboard in the background on my desk)


Re: Organ Grinder Monkey Marionette Posted by Ron G. on Apr 07, 2008
Those sound like some great causes, Nikole!

Ron G.

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