Would you be interested in a new puppetry website? Posted by Na on May 27, 2008
I just had a conversation with Gary Friedman (he posted this video:

http://puppetsandstuff.com/community/index.php/topic,3247.0.html  )

who is thinking of setting up a subscription-based website, where you could view videos of his workshops, see interviews with puppeteers (he has some never before seen Jim Henson stuff!!), and other such content. I suggested that it might be even more interesting to people if there was also news, jobs, or other useful things for professionals and amateurs alike.

His main idea would also be that it would be a monthly-paid subscription; obviously, cheap enough for people to be keen on paying, but also enough to cover expenses.

What do any of you think? Would you be interested in a service like that?
Re: Would you be interested in a new puppetry website? Posted by Sonny on May 27, 2008
Hmmmm....I would suppose anything that can help the average puppet maker with tutorials and helpful tips can only be a progressive step to fufilling each ones personal goals.

I love all the tid bits and tutorials we all share. As far as a subscription,...that might deter some.

Keep us posted on the launching of the site. I'm sure he would get enough subscribers to cover costs.

Thanks for the lead.
Re: Would you be interested in a new puppetry website? Posted by Na on May 27, 2008
Yes, I too was worried about a subscription. However (this is a big however), I've worked for an arts subscription site, and they are doing very well in terms of the number of people who do subscribe, and in terms of finances. I've also set up my own theatre publication, running it for free for four years, and I can say that it's not only hard to do with no money coming in, but also something that people are even willing to pay for. There are a number of niche sites out there making money from artists - from websites like Gigslist, to techie mags... etc. I think the right format might work.

I personally believe it depends on how much it costs. (Although I read once that the hardest part is getting people to give you money in the first place - even if it's 1 cent!)

But hey, this is my current area of expertise, so I'm a bit biased.
Re: Would you be interested in a new puppetry website? Posted by Sandra on May 27, 2008
Hi Na,

I have a suggestion, why not make part of the website free and part of its content available to only paid members. Like that, people would be able to view in the free things at their convenience and if they like it and want to look into more items, they would be more willing to pay. I am part of a few website (not related to puppetry) that are like that. Part of their website is free base and part of it is for members who paid.

Unfortunately, i dont have the money for that kind of thing for now, but i would definitively consider becomming a member in the long run if the content would interrest me.

My two cents,
Puppet hug,
Re: Would you be interested in a new puppetry website? Posted by Na on May 27, 2008
Yes, I agree - I had forgotten that aspect of things. I'll make the suggestion to Gary. In general, it's best to have something free, to pull people in and encourage them to pay up.

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