Here's a big thanks to this site! Posted by richardkey7 on May 21, 2009
I've been referring back to this site for a lot of puppet making strategies over the last few months, and I feel I owe everyone here something in return.
Up above are the download links for the book Glove and Rod Puppets by Hansjurgen Fettig. Last I checked, the book goes for $183 used at Well, it's right here for FREE! Each part is a large file because I used a high quality scanner to scan in every page. The reason for doing that, is so you can zoom in on the diagrams in great detail. The total file size is 650mb...yeah, I know it's big but trust me it's worth it. If you use dialup, I suggest going to the library, downloading it, then upload it to your computer.
To combine zip files together I use Split&Concat (it's free) software for my mac. You might want to find another software for your PC if it's needed.
Holler at me, if you need any more advice for downloading it.
Up above are the download links for the book Glove and Rod Puppets by Hansjurgen Fettig. Last I checked, the book goes for $183 used at Well, it's right here for FREE! Each part is a large file because I used a high quality scanner to scan in every page. The reason for doing that, is so you can zoom in on the diagrams in great detail. The total file size is 650mb...yeah, I know it's big but trust me it's worth it. If you use dialup, I suggest going to the library, downloading it, then upload it to your computer.
To combine zip files together I use Split&Concat (it's free) software for my mac. You might want to find another software for your PC if it's needed.
Holler at me, if you need any more advice for downloading it.
Re: Here's a big thanks to this site! Posted by richardkey7 on May 21, 2009
Oh, by the way, it may take me a day or two to respond since I recently lost my own internet connection. Hope to have it back soon.
Re: Here's a big thanks to this site! Posted by Billy D. Fuller on May 21, 2009

Thank You, Thank You !
Billy D.
Re: Here's a big thanks to this site! Posted by gompie on May 21, 2009
I downloaded the first one but have to wait for almost 3 hours to download the second so it take some time than I hve to wait for the last one
Re: Here's a big thanks to this site! Posted by Sandra on May 21, 2009
Oups, that will massivelly boost my download rate that is immense, but I think it is well worth it. Thank you very much!!!
Re: Here's a big thanks to this site! Posted by Sandra on May 21, 2009
Posted by: gompie on May 21, 2009
I downloaded the first one but have to wait for almost 3 hours to download the second so it take some time than I hve to wait for the last one
Yeah, me too. I hate waiting, but I am sure that the wait will be all worth it!
Re: Here's a big thanks to this site! Posted by miguel on May 21, 2009
How to do to download? Plese help me
Re: Here's a big thanks to this site! Posted by Shawn on May 21, 2009
Miguel if just clicking on them does not bring up a window to save to your computer then try right clicking on the and looking for "Save Link As..."
BTW The last link looks like it broken but I'll try to fix it.
Opps sorry I was wrong about that... looks like it is a file hosting site. Look for Download for free with FileFactory Basic on each page and click it then follow the directions on the next page.
BTW The last link looks like it broken but I'll try to fix it.
Opps sorry I was wrong about that... looks like it is a file hosting site. Look for Download for free with FileFactory Basic on each page and click it then follow the directions on the next page.
Re: Here's a big thanks to this site! Posted by miguel on May 21, 2009
Thank you Mr. Shawn
Re: Here's a big thanks to this site! Posted by Na on May 21, 2009
Not trying to be a part pooper, but is this legal? I seem to recall we had a discussion ages ago about not posting links/downloads to books that are copyrighted...
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