going public Posted by MissElly on May 08, 2010
Hi all,

Now you saw my puppets, and I can add more story characters anytime. My question to you is how should I approach daycare centers and kindergartens I have in my neighborhood with my puppet characters. Should I sell them to schools, parents or do a show in front of children with my own puppets.For now I have Goldilocks and the little pigs ready.I also have my own characters, Max and Zenaida and Gigi.What is your advice?
I think I would charge 1 dollar per child for the show. Is that fair?
How much should I charge for a set of caracters in a story? The three little pigs and the wolf for instance.
I plan to make new story puppets by order only.
What do you think?
I am very eager to see the reaction of children to my puppets.
My MA is in Modern Languages. I taught French and Spanish from 4 year olds to adult age. I have experience with small children as I worked in a Montessori environment, preschool, kindergarten.
Do you think is a good idea to teach French or Spanish with my puppet characters?
Here is Gigi.
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

and the bears
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

Your experience and  advice are very important
to  me; please be honest and give me your feedback. Thank you.
Re: going public Posted by Na on May 08, 2010
$1 per kid sounds *very* cheap. Don't forget, you've got to cover your costs first, so if $1 per kid will cover you, then that's a good price (remember, you have to also cost it out: how many kids per show, how many shows per year, the likelihood that you'll get any bookings to begin with, etc etc). But also, I think the lower the cost, the less likely people will be convinced it's of good quality. Do some price comparisons of companies near you, many puppeteers post info about how much it is to hire them on their sites and flyers, so check out what they're doing and raise your price as necessary.

I think approaching schools, kindergardens, parents, libraries, etc would be good. As you're just starting out, it's better to try them all and then if one turns out to be more profitable than the other, you can narrow your marketing strategy.

I love the idea of teaching other languages, especially if you do it in combination with a traditional story. Goldilocks in French or Spanish - that would be great! (PS. It also means you get more audiences, because you can do shows to people who have English as a second language/immigrants, so it's also cross-cultural that way too)
Re: going public Posted by MissElly on May 09, 2010
Thank you, Na. I will consider all the suggestions that you made.I really appreciate your feedback.
Re: going public Posted by Na on May 09, 2010
No worries, glad to help!

I will add that you should probably wait until the others reply too. I'm not a performer, I just made comments based on what I've read other people have done. I'm sure the others will have some better/more specific responses.
Re: going public Posted by MissElly on May 11, 2010
I guess I am still waiting for some answers but no one gives me a clue. I can take criticism well. Just try me:))
Re: going public Posted by Na on May 11, 2010
I'm sure someone will respond eventually, they could just be busy
Re: going public Posted by MissElly on May 11, 2010
Thank you, Na.
Re: going public Posted by Na on May 12, 2010
No worries
Re: going public Posted by Shawn on May 12, 2010
As Na mentioned $1 per child for a show is very reasonable.  It does sound like it would be difficult to make any real money at the price but I like the idea of a show being reasonable in price for the consumer. I would think that at the price even smaller groups could afford your shows which is nice. For example a small daycare with only say 10 to 20 kids would be able to afford you.  The thing you have to think about though is if you would need to add some type of limits.  For example if a daycare that is 50 miles away that has 10 kids calls and wants a show is it going to be worth it to you to drive that far for only $10. 

I think you would receive more joy out of doing the performances with your puppets instead of selling them.  When you start selling things it can  become a chore to keep up on making the inventory.
Re: going public Posted by LJ on May 12, 2010
The performances I do are paid for by the facility and free to those who attend so I don't know anything about charging a fee per person. I perform for schools, libraries, churches and community events (as well as birthday parties) but they are all paid for by the hiring client and free to those who attend. This works out best for me because I have a set fee and I get paid that fee no matter how many turn out. I also have a mileage fee that kicks in for locations outside of a 50 mile radius of my home.
I would think that at the price even smaller groups could afford your shows which is nice. For example a small daycare with only say 10 to 20 kids would be able to afford you.
This is very true too but you could always have a set fee and then give discounts as you determine necessary. This whole area of pricing is a very touchy subject and it also depends SO much on the area you live in. I know that if I charged the "going rate" for performers in California, I would never get hired here in the Midwest! You have to know your clients and then it is a bit of trial and error.  Sorry I can't be of more help, but like I said, charging per person is not something I have experience with.

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