Re: I need some help for teaching puppet making. Posted by AWS Puppets on Feb 09, 2012
I was also thinking about maybe pre-making some of the parts. Like making a variety of noses. Maybe a few eyes if some of them don't want to make their own and maybe even pre-cutting some of the pieces.
Re: I need some help for teaching puppet making. Posted by Na on Feb 09, 2012
That's a good idea: maybe you should speak to LJ, she does a lot of workshops too. She's been working on a sewable muppet which I think includes pre-made parts. I know you said that was a 'no go' idea, but maybe she has some other ideas.
Re: I need some help for teaching puppet making. Posted by Shawn on Feb 09, 2012
If you do end up with such a wide age range, why not use the older kids as partners for the younger kids. If you end up with some really responsible older kids this could really work to your advantage. They end up help you manage things.

Re: I need some help for teaching puppet making. Posted by LJ on Feb 09, 2012
Yes, I have taught a lot of puppet making workshops and would be happy to let you know what has worked for me. I would agree that it would be easier if there were two groups, one younger and one older. However you may find that not very many older kids even sign up - at least that is what always happens around here. The high school kids are so busy with other things! Most of the workshops I have done are for ages 6-12. I have found this to be a good age range and even the little ones hae fun. I do pre-make certain parts as well. You will need to nail down with her how many class sessions there will be etc, because that does make a difference. Anyway, I am happy to answer more questions and fill you in on what kind of puppets I have made in my workshops. There is a video clip on my website from the last workshop I did. I will see if I can figure out how to put it here on the forum.
Re: I need some help for teaching puppet making. Posted by Shawn on Feb 09, 2012
Posted by: LJ on Feb 09, 2012
I will see if I can figure out how to put it here on the forum.Adding a YouTube video into a post is pretty easy. Just use the YouTube icon and then insert the URL of the video at YouTube!

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Re: I need some help for teaching puppet making. Posted by Shawn on Feb 09, 2012
Looks like everyone had a lot of fun. I love the foot puppets!
Re: I need some help for teaching puppet making. Posted by Billy D. Fuller on Feb 09, 2012
Re: I need some help for teaching puppet making. Posted by MsPuppet on Feb 10, 2012
Ask lots of questions! Amount of time allotted, number of participants, age span, budget.
I have taught a number of classes, ranging from puppets you can make with dollar store items (Check out "The Muppets Make Puppets" or any of John Kennedy's books on puppets)to much more complex puppets.
If the older ones finish ahead of the younger, assign them to put together a show and have them perform it at the end (or on another day). You can always guide them in a direction (puppets to match a story book or story).
I have taught a number of classes, ranging from puppets you can make with dollar store items (Check out "The Muppets Make Puppets" or any of John Kennedy's books on puppets)to much more complex puppets.
If the older ones finish ahead of the younger, assign them to put together a show and have them perform it at the end (or on another day). You can always guide them in a direction (puppets to match a story book or story).
Re: I need some help for teaching puppet making. Posted by AWS Puppets on Feb 10, 2012
She still has not given me all the info. All I know is she said they will pay for materials on top of paying me so I don't have to worry so much about cost.
Re: I need some help for teaching puppet making. Posted by Na on Feb 12, 2012
I would recommend getting as much info as possible. People who do this to me - ambiguous requests - generally are the ones who end up pulling out for one reason or another. When I explain I can't offer a quote/plans unless they give me more info, they either disappear for lack of thinking it through or provide the info needed because they didn't think it was important or necessary. (Some people genuinely don't know what they're looking for which is fine, but if they say so then you can go ahead and help them work out what they want by asking them to think about answers to your questions)
Everyone has great tips here, and I loved Lisa's video!
Everyone has great tips here, and I loved Lisa's video!
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