Help Save Floppy Posted by ArthurS on Jun 06, 2013
In Iowa from the 50's through the 80's, we had a children's TV show called "The Floppy Show". Floppy was a carved, balsa wood puppet dog in a box operated by Duane Ellett in front of a live, on screen audience of kids. The show would start with Duane coming out with a box and saying "Ok kids, are you ready? 1... 2... 3..." And all the kids would yell "Where's Floppy?" and floppy would pop out of his box and say "Yeah!!!" During the show, floppy would have the kids line up and tell jokes, and Floppy would laugh and laugh. No matter how many times Floppy was asked "Why did the man put the car in the oven?" He never knew and was never not struck by how funny the answer was. They introduced cartoons, had celebrity guests and were icons of innocent, childhood fun.
For 30 years Duane and Floppy charmed generation upon generation of children in a simple, loving and innocent way of a time gone by. A time we should cherish, honor and long to return to. If only the children of today had such a wholesome, innocent way of celebrating childhood. A way not about selling products and toys, a way not of corporations and agendas, just a simple puppet, thrilling a young child with the chance to tell a joke to a special friend who will genuinely laugh with them in love and friendship. But alas, Duane passed away in the 80's.
Floppy is now on exhibit in the Iowa State Historical Building in a small, store-front-window-size display. But not for long. The curators plan on taking him down this Sunday and putting him in the vaults in favor of some bicycles that some judge no one knows purchased and rode across Iowa in our annual RAGBRAI ride. We are trying to save this hero of our childhoods.
There are only a couple days left before Floppy goes indefinitely to the pound. If keeping something like this for generations to see, I would encourage you to:
--Join the Facebook group 'Save Floppy' Save Floppy
--sign the petition to keep him Keep The Floppy Show Exhibit
--Or even come to the rally Sunday 1pm the Iowa State Historical Building (I am hoping to finish a Floppy puppet to take!) Iowa State Historical Building
If you are curious, here is a great compilation video of Floppy moments: 30 years of Floppy fun
Thank you one and all.
Arthur - PuppetSmith Arts
PS for those who remember me posting, I got in a horse accident and haven't been able to get to the computer much. Spending most my time recouping my leg and building zombie puppets for a Convention in September!
For 30 years Duane and Floppy charmed generation upon generation of children in a simple, loving and innocent way of a time gone by. A time we should cherish, honor and long to return to. If only the children of today had such a wholesome, innocent way of celebrating childhood. A way not about selling products and toys, a way not of corporations and agendas, just a simple puppet, thrilling a young child with the chance to tell a joke to a special friend who will genuinely laugh with them in love and friendship. But alas, Duane passed away in the 80's.
Floppy is now on exhibit in the Iowa State Historical Building in a small, store-front-window-size display. But not for long. The curators plan on taking him down this Sunday and putting him in the vaults in favor of some bicycles that some judge no one knows purchased and rode across Iowa in our annual RAGBRAI ride. We are trying to save this hero of our childhoods.
There are only a couple days left before Floppy goes indefinitely to the pound. If keeping something like this for generations to see, I would encourage you to:
--Join the Facebook group 'Save Floppy' Save Floppy
--sign the petition to keep him Keep The Floppy Show Exhibit
--Or even come to the rally Sunday 1pm the Iowa State Historical Building (I am hoping to finish a Floppy puppet to take!) Iowa State Historical Building
If you are curious, here is a great compilation video of Floppy moments: 30 years of Floppy fun
Thank you one and all.

Arthur - PuppetSmith Arts
PS for those who remember me posting, I got in a horse accident and haven't been able to get to the computer much. Spending most my time recouping my leg and building zombie puppets for a Convention in September!
Re: Help Save Floppy Posted by Monkey on Jun 06, 2013

Re: Help Save Floppy Posted by pagestep007 on Jun 12, 2013
I hop you get better arthurs, and that floppy gets saved
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