Back in 2008 there was a post in our old forum looking for alternate links to the Blue Boy Pattern. It had been available on an old AOL hometown page. The original creator, Marla Gold, of the pattern showed up and gave a link to the Way Back Machine where we could find the content.
Below is a re-post of the information of that Way Back Machine. Below is a re-post of the original content from the Way Back Machine.
Blue Boy is a basic mouth & rod puppet. Although this one was made with a fabric mouth the pattern that follows calls for a mouth made from Super Thick Foamies (TM of the Darice Inc. Strongsville, Ohio) which I found is easier to install and work. A Foamies mouth will stay open by itself and must be closed with hand pressure.
OK now for instructions, First cut out the fabric using the patterns below (The pattern is at half size, use the one inch reference to scale it up). Press the paper clips through the hands (one facing each direction thumbs right and left) bend the paper clips over as shown and hot glue the bent ends to protect the material from snags. Sew the arms together one piece with a paper clip (Button on the wrong side of the fabric, right sides of fabric together) backed up by one without a paper clip.
When the arm is turned right side out there should be a U shaped piece of the paper clip on the palm side of the hand. This U will be used to attach an arm rod to latter on.
Cut along the arm Position line on the body of the puppet pattern. Insert each arm through these cuts so that the thumbs face forward, the top of the arms should come through the wrong side of the body. Sew in place by folding the body along the cut line and stitching about 1/2 inch in front of the cut to 1/2 inch behind the cut.
Next sew the ears around the curved portion of the pattern. You have two options to attaching the ears to the head . . . 1 - cut the head pattern where indicated and sew the ears in place. 2 - finish sewing the straight part of the ear and hot glue them in place on the finished head. Of course you could leave them off altogether if you want to.
On to the body! Sew the darts at the back of his head closed. With the good sides together (be sure to tuck in the arms) sew from the bottom around the head and to the top of the mouth. Then sew from the bottom of the mouth to the bottom of the body.
The puppet is now ready for his mouth. Keep the puppet inside out and hot glue the mouth in place with the right side of the fabric glued to the edge of the foam.
Turn the puppet right side out and he's ready for finishing touches.
NOSE: Hand stitch a gathering stitch around the edge of the nose. Pull the thread to gather the edge toward the center forming a small puff. Hot glue it in place.
EYES & HAIR: I hot glued moving eyes and a feather boa for his hair but you can be creative in this department.
ARM RODS: I use a wire coat hanger straightened out, with a pair of pliers bend the wire around the U from the paper clips. You can finish the handle ends simply by bending the wires into a handle or wrapping them with a soft cotton rope and then covering it with white glue. The glue will harden and give an excellent grip.
This is a basic mouth and rod puppet. Using variations you can create many other character I used this basic pattern to create pigs, frogs, lions and monsters. GOOD LUCK!
Marla Gold
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